Search results

  1. jacob

    USB headphones w/mic work on xbox 360 live?

    Does anyone know if you can use a USB headphone w/mic with the xbox 360 live? I want headphones with xbox live chat. Any suggestions?
  2. jacob

    what would you do with:

    I picked up this expired domain but haven't decided what to do with it. It's getting about a 30% click rate averaging around 100 uniques a month making me a few dollars a month which has me wondering if I should do anything with it.
  3. jacob

    Google "sandbox"

    Can someone explain what this is? I have heard of it but never any explanation other then something along the lines of "it's bad"
  4. jacob

    SELECT first x characters of data in field

    Is there a way to select say the first 255 characters of the field data within the database? I've been working on a blogging script and want to only display a certain amount of data for each post before the 'read more' link. tia!
  5. jacob

    PHP: use current URL with params

    how do you create a URL that has the current parameters in it while appending new ones in PHP? tia!