Search results

  1. M

    Two TED talks to get you thinking

    YouTube - Dan Ariely: Why we think it's OK to cheat and steal (sometimes) YouTube - Dan Gilbert: Exploring the frontiers of happiness Both of these look at the fundamental psychology beneath perception and include heaps of tidbits that are totally exploitable. I think my favourite idea is in...
  2. M

    Traffic Flow Overview

    I have had to make up some terms here because I am not sure what the accepted terminology is. I have split clicks that do not guarantee income out as "leads", I am fairly sure that's the terminology in use here. My question is: Is this basically how you guys organise your campaigns? I am...
  3. M

    100th Post...

    And last, but by no means least:
  4. M

    WTF Backlinks...

    Has this ever happened to you before: I was checking my google webmaster tools and analytics for referer's, links etc. and I found some interesting info. I am getting backlinks for an entirely unrelated set of keywords. In this case something along the lines of "moccasin shoe fetish story" I...
  5. M

    The twins go to the beach

    Been reading the political threads, may have posted an angry response. Too angry to post anything else sensible now: Thus Beach boobs
  6. M

    50th Post. Why not have some boobs

  7. M

    Development Work

    Hey Guys, I have a few years experience working with these technologies: PHP, Javascript, MySQL, MSSQL, C# and C#.NET I am looking for some work, happy to do modifications to your existing projects or greenfield engineering. If you are looking for someone to work on a new project then PM me...
  8. M

    Options to monetize a niche content site

    I have been looking round the board and learning heaps, but I am wondering how this works: Let's say you have a niche content site, it's not too small but it's not huge either. And let's further say we are getting traffic organically from stumbleupon and social networking as well as google...
  9. M

    Hating on E-Books

    I read some of your posts in the "books to read" sticky up the top and saw that quite a few people like/recommend 4HWW One of the things Tim Ferriss hit on in that book was monetizing information products. Does your e-book hate extend to that sort of thing? Or is it limited to people trying to...
  10. M

    Click Arbitrage???

    I am reading through post after post mentioning click arbitrage, but I can't find a definition of it anywhere (yeah I tried searching the forum) So this is my best effort at a definition: Buying traffic at a low CPC ($x) for a site with ads that sell for a higher CPC ($y). Which will make you...