Search results

  1. mrey86

    YOUTUBE experts please help

    Hello all, I have a youtube channel with 30 videos on it. 28 of which i've left private for over a year while i develop the website. The content is target based on my keywords and the quality of the content is high. The question i have is since the videos are old would making them public now...
  2. mrey86

    Whats happened to WickedFire SEO forum?

    I noticed the ratings for the threads have disappeared and the threads are a lot less busy. What's happened? (i've not been on here much past 6 months)
  3. mrey86

    Anyone use

    I'm becoming a little concerned having forked out a large sum of cash for web development work. Communication with the developer being slow has made me worrisome of an elaborate scam, the freelancer who won the bid had over 350+ reviews with a 4.9 reputation (out of 5) ...I've since google...
  4. mrey86

    wheres the best place to sell domains these days?

    i'm not a fan of flippa
  5. mrey86

    Favorite way to monetize your site?

    I'm sure everyone "favors" the way in which makes the most money. But for your typical content based site that runs more like a lavish blog giving lots of value to the viewer with quality articles, instructional video series and such do you prefer to make your moolah through advertising...
  6. mrey86

    WTB Twitter followers (female)

    I don't know if such a service exists but i need female twitter followers ASAP
  7. mrey86

    WTB Twitter followers (female)

    I don't know if such a service exists but i need female twitter followers. edit: sorry i think i've posted this in the wrong section
  8. mrey86

    did a shitty thing, backed out of selling website... am i legally obliged?

    i know it's a shitty thing to do and kinda makes me an asshole but i had a bid for my website that i had completely forgotten was ongoing and had not set myself a reserve price through flippa eventually someone won the auction at 2750 when my site makes between 200-400 monthly... i feel like...
  9. mrey86

    WTB Facebook likes

    i would like to buy some facebook likes ASAP thanks
  10. mrey86

    Where's the best place to sell a domain name?

    and how much is worth in your estimation? sorry about the shit thread
  11. mrey86

    Need help creating a site everyone will love

    So i'm making a change from creating my regular content based sites onto something more fun. The change was inspired by going through these ****ing awesome picture threads repeating after each picture "would smash" so came up with I want it to be a picture rating site that...
  12. mrey86

    bought a cool domain, not sure what to do with it... may be worth somethin?

    So i was kicking back checking out some titties and ass pics of some random hot chicks in a thread on another forum... was scrolling through the pics and came up with the idea for a domain name "would" after reading the posts in the thread. i'm getting kinda bored of my regular...
  13. mrey86

    wow... Clickbanks new vendor guidelines

    what the fuck man i may as well just use paypal because this is bullshit... are there any other sales management companies like clickbank i can use because this is just taking the piss... Vendor Promotional Messaging Guidelines
  14. mrey86

    How should i spend this $1k?

    I'm a vendor with a sales page that's converting at 14% in its opening month. I contacted a blog owner who ranks well in my niche about distributing a sales email to his list... he said the costing would be $950 for 2 emails spread over a two week period as he only emails out one...
  15. mrey86

    [WTB] Traffic and/or opt in broadcasts

    I want either one of or both of the following 1) High traffic, preferably targetted in the mens dating niche, if not... the adult niche may work 2) A broadcast to a list of opt ins in the adult/mens dating niche cheers
  16. mrey86

    WTB: Looking for a writer in the mens dating advice niche

    As title says, Please pm me with a sample of your work and a quote on prices. I have a mini project that needs doing 6 follow up emails to my list as an e-course
  17. mrey86

    Word Templates for eBook?

    Anyone know where I can get some good templates for a word document to be presented in PDF format?
  18. mrey86

    Where can i find a model with big tits...

    to do a youtube video for me? *prepares to be dickrolld*
  19. mrey86

    My logo designer is giving me shit...

  20. mrey86

    Are paid membership sites a good idea?

    I have an article site where up until now i've made it completely free for visitors to come and read hundreds of articles then fuck off without buying any of my ebooks (NOT in the make monies online niche) So I know making a decision to make my site a "gimme 10 bucks and you can read my shit"...