Search results

  1. S

    Need a site re-design any recommendations?

    I have a 7 year old site that I want re-designed. It's site using PHP/Mysql Database. I want the whole thing re-done. so I need recommendations on someone that is good, RELIABLE, and not too expensive. Thanks for any recommendations or guidance on who to do the work.
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    Anyting like Wordpress Postie, that works?

    I want to be able to email in a post and have it appear on a wordpress blog automatically and published. I've been looking at Postie and it looks perfect on the surface. However, if you test this latest version (postie) and try to send emails with any images, it does not work when run from a...
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    Adwords & QS at $1.00 per click but no ads for keyword?

    I just noticed one of my keywords have no ad competition yet it is still requiring $1.00/click because my QS is 3/10 Is this something new or was I just not paying attention enough? Considering there is ZERO competition, I would think i could get away with a lower CPC
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    Verizon, which new phone?

    I know you guys are no BS so I'll get straight answers here as opposed to a phone forum. I've been wanting a BB storm since it came out but I know the OS is shit. So I've eliminated that one from the short list. So I'm considering a blackberry curve. Any thoughts? Any other verizon phones I...
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    Terapeak pull data from ebay stores?

    Anyone know if terapeak will pull up data for those sellers that have ebay stores instead of auctions?
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    New Dell, get XP or Vista

    OK, I'm looking at getting 2 new dells. One for father-in-law - he knows how to surf and get emails that's it Kids..need faster machine for some basic gaming Do we get Vista or get the downgrade of XP for $49/machine? What are your thoughts. All the machines we have at the house now are XP...
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    Cheaper alternative to aweber?

    Should I be looking at a self hosted option instead of aweber. I know I'm a cheap bastard but $150/month for aweber seems steep. Any recommendations? Thanks
  8. S

    Anyone do PPC with EPN/phpbay sites?

    Does anyone do PPC with EPN or phpbay sites? I had a site de-indexed recently and thought this might be something I could do with the site. It was converting pretty well before it got deindexed. Any tips or thoughts on how to figure budgets or if I should not do this.
  9. S

    phpbay sites deindexed, any thoughts?

    I've create a few phpbay sites in the last couple months. Today I noticed a few of them are deindexed. Now, could it be that they are sandboxed or are they toast? I thought sandboxed sites would still show in the index but not rank well. These new sites don't even appear in the index...
  10. S

    Domain names... any benefit to this?

    Ok, I'm trying to do a honda parts site. I'm trying to avoid using Honda in the domain name because it's against the TOS for EPN. So would I be better off with www*honcivicparts*com or just www*civicparts*com/honda/.... Or it doesn't make a damn bit of difference as far as SEO is...
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    OT: best verizon phone now?

    I want a new phone. What's the best going for the verizon network right now? I heard the Storm is crap cuz it's real slow. Any thoughts? Thanks
  12. S

    What's this guy up to?

    I saw this sign stuck by the side of the road at an intersection when I was visiting some inlaws for thanksgiving h**p:// Must be some sort of affiliate marketing but I couldn't figure out if he was passing the info to an affiliate or just collecting the info...
  13. S

    Check the PR from a list of domains?

    I have a list of domains that I want to sort by the PR. Is there a way to do get this information easily so I can put it in excel and sort it by PR. Thanks for any advice.
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    big G must be doing weird things, EPN stats odd

    Take a look at these EPN stats. Yes, I know this isn't much but these are fairly new sites.... They are 3 different campaigns on 3 different domains. Notice the spike on 8/4 on all of them. That is what I thought was strange. Why a large spike on 3 different domains all on the same day...
  15. S

    Which Torrent tool is best?

    I need a torrent tool for downloading. Which is the best one? Thanks
  16. S

    ppc-coach account canceled?

    I just joined up for ppc coach about 3 days ago and today my account was canceled. I emailed them through the contact us on the site a couple of times and even pm'd harry1970 here on WF but have no response from them. Are they having site problems or what. I don't think I could of done...
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    Sandbox and phpbay sites, can it be avoided?

    I understand that new websites or domains frequently get caught in the sandbox shortly after creation. Anyone have any tips to avoid this problem? Thanks
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    Adwords -> Polls -> AM page?

    Any problem with using Adwords to various celebrity polls? I thought I saw something about adwords changing their TOS on this. Thanks for any advice.
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    Writing content for PHPbay sites, any tips?

    Any tips for writing content for you phpbay sites? Any pointers for outsourcing this? Thanks
  20. S

    Affiliate ads on PHPbay site for women?

    I have a phpbay site around women. I put some adsense ads on it but should I do some affiliate stuff too? If yes, any ideas what? Thanks