Search results

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    [FREE] Clickjacking Script

    Here's a free clickjacking script Download: Not only good for adsense, but can be used to with other pay-per-click networks too, such as: AdBrite Bidvertiser Chitika etc. The author of the script is SharePro - a fraud, a thief, a liar and, to be...
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    Digg Pro Wanted

    I want a Digg pro to, hopefully, get some quality articles on the front page. I pay well! Name your price and how many Diggs you can probably get.
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    WTB: Wordpress Dating Blog

    Looking to buy one or more established (6 months or older, some unique content, many organic links) dating blogs. Must be wordpress. No .infos.
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    IP Geo Targeting Function

    I need a php function that can check if a visitor's IP is in a specific country zone file. Here's an example of a country zone file: It's urgent so I'll pay $100 to the first person to create a function or find one on the Web that works.
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    Wanted: Manual Blog Commenter

    We need one or two guys to post comments on blogs. We will supply the list of blogs. Comments must related to posts – no spammy comments. Payments will be made via PayPal. Work is continual. What's your fee for 100 comments on 100 blogs?
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    HTML Scrambler

    I need a PHP function that can scramble HTML (convert to obfuscated JavaScript). Here's an example: Obfuscate HTML scrambler (HTML code protection) It’s urgent, so I’ll pay $100 to the first person that provides me with such a function, either from the Web or written themselves. Payment via...
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    Next PR Update

    Anyone know when the next PR update is due? (I don’t keep track, so I haven’t got a clue.)
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    Forum Memberships & Clickbank

    Does anyone know for certain whether forum memberships can be sold via Clickbank? I’ve emailed them, but they can bit slow in responding. Cheers!
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    "$10m to get a top 5 position..."

    Here's a great post by Kieron: Affiliate Marketing Blog from UK Offer Media: $10m to get a top 5 position in Google for Poker Is it worth $10M to get a top-five position on Google for 'online poker'? One commenter suggested a multi-million dollar competition to get into the top 5:
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    Bring back the DRAMA!

    Is WF the first ever forum based on the Soap Opera concept? Unbelievable story-lines, plots, sub-plots, threats and backstabbing... I bet Shoemoney is turning GREEN with envy!
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    Globalwarming Awareness2007

    Quads has weighed-in with the SEO World Championship: GlobalWarming awareness2007. Irrespective of whether you believe/agree with his post or not, you gotta admit good link-bait rocks! He's currently at #8 on Google. The current number one spot is held by a bunch of frogs! Now come on we...
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    Another "Guru's" eBook Indexed by Yahoo!

    Yet another "Guru's" eBook has been indexed by Yahoo! Site: Check out Yahoo and click search result number 2 (ends with .pdf)
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    Best Auction Script

    I might be creating an auction site for a very specific niche. I've never done this before so I'm interested others opinions and experiences of creating/running an auction site. Specifically: 1. There are many auction scripts available (free & commercial), which have the best reputation? 2...
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    Rob Benwell - Blogging to the Bank

    Some of you guys may know Rob Benwell, he wrote Blogging-to-the-Blank. His latest offering is: …and it’s just as bad! However, Yahoo indexed Rob’s download/thank-you page for Blogging-to-the-Blank so many people got the book for free! And guess what, it’s...
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    Adsense Empire eBook - It's not Just BAD!

    We know Jon has a dislike of some ‘make-a-fortune-online’ ebooks, so, here’s some comments Quadszilla made after reading Adsense Empire:
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    Google’s Search Results F*cked?

    I’ve got a dating site with tons of content ranking #1 for an extremely popular dating phrase, but, after checking Google this morning my site was replaced by an ebook:
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    Forum Hacked!

    A new forum I’ve been developing/promoting was hacked very recently. I’m not sure how they did it, but I’m improving the forum’s security at the moment. The hacker(s) inserted a single line of code in one critical file. I downloaded ‘index.js’: Any one else had a forum/site hacked...