Search results

  1. E

    Time Vs Money?

    So I have 2 options going forward with this and I am wondering if someone more experienced than me can tell me what is the best way to proceed. I am at a pretty low level with all this, I know how to set up sites\WP\ know some PHP\CSS\HTML (enough to take care of myself and my sites at least)...
  2. E

    Hosting question

    So I am pretty lost with hosting and have pretty limited knowledge around it. At the moment I basically just have a few sites with like 0-10 visitors a day or something, so I use a shared hosting package from hostgator at like 2$ a month. I plan on 'launching' a new site though, which at least...
  3. E

    Taxes for US citizen expats?

    So I know that US Citizens have to pay tax even if they live outside of the US but have a few questions regarding it. First of all, any guesstimation on how much a "normal" employee would have to pay in taxes? I mean lets say I work at McDonalds in Norway and earn like 30-40k a year or...