Search results

  1. ii silver ii

    Emulating php hash_hmac ripemd160 in java?

    I'm trying... to hash strings in java that would be give the same output as the following in php: hash_hmac('ripemd160', 'string', 'key'); So far I've been trying using BouncyCastle RIPEMD160 shit and a ton of whisky, but no luck...
  2. ii silver ii

    Apache httpd Crash Core Dump and backtrace

    Recently my error_logs have had an influx of the following: [core:notice] [pid 2307] AH00051: child pid 7504 exit signal Segmentation fault (11), possible coredump in /tmp/core-dump [core:notice] [pid 2307] AH00051: child pid 7623 exit signal Segmentation fault (11), possible coredump in...
  3. ii silver ii

    Malware Infection

    Didn't ever expect to post this but I guess someone/thing found an exploit to gain access to my server ... Basically they uploaded a few files to the public_html and ran some bash commands to move those files to the /home/ directory of the users: A couple of php files also had lines such as...
  4. ii silver ii

    Can you Crack it?

    For those who like a challenge and have time waste .. Can you crack it? GCHQ aims to recruit computer hackers with code-cracking website | Media |
  5. ii silver ii

    Facebook profile timelines

    You've probably all seen the images from the recent conference discussing the profiles being changed to a timeline basis but it's always better to get first hand experience .. If you want to get involved in the developer beta (goes live 1st October .. apparently) then follow these steps...
  6. ii silver ii

    CERN scientists 'break the speed of light'

    BBC News - Speed-of-light experiments give baffling result at Cern Looks like a pretty huge discovery has just been made at CERN ..
  7. ii silver ii

    Mysql innodb ibdata1 filesize

    For some time I've had a database that's been expanding slowly, it makes use of primary keys, foreign keys etc so it's vital to use Innodb table type. However the ibdata1 size is forever increasing and it's got to a size (1.4gb~) that starts to 'make bells ring'. I've seen a few 'solutions'...
  8. ii silver ii

    Selecting duplicate mysql values

    If I have a table contain data like the following example.. and I want to select the highlighted rows because they are duplicates (values are the same apart from id) then how could/would I do this? My end aim is to select rows 1,3,4,5,9,10 for deletion and then put proper indexes on the table.
  9. ii silver ii

    DnB / Dubstep / Liquid

    Looking at some of the shit that's being posted in this section atm & thought I'd add to it. Here's some [current|newish] tunes... If you don't like, don't listen. simple. Seeing Chase & Status with Kano & Plan B in London for their new album next month so liking 'Blind Faith' & Hospital...
  10. ii silver ii

    Basic Accounting Spreadsheet

    One such thing I have no experience in is accounting and how you should lay your figures out in case they are ever needed by accountants for things such as taxes, etc. Are there any basic examples of how you should layout your account spreadsheets? Or where I should look for this sort of...
  11. ii silver ii

    Setting up Oracle with Forms

    I'm trying to get Oracle working with Forms Builder to get some work done but there's so many different ways to do it that I think I'm way over complicating things.. I'm running Windows 7 64 bit so I can run either Oracle 11g 32 or 64 bit, not sure if it supports 10g.. Getting the database up...
  12. ii silver ii

    Wanted: The best Wordpress Designer

    I'm looking for a WordPress designer that can create styles from scratch with that nice web 2.0 look. There's a theme to base it on that will make the job pretty straight forward. Looking for someone that will communicate well, get the job done asap and be a pleasure to work with, so post up...
  13. ii silver ii

    wp-o-matic Urls

    Everytime a new feed item is added to the posts it uses the following structure: $postid = wp_insert_post(array( 'post_title' => $title, 'post_content' => $content, 'post_content_filtered' => $content, 'post_category' => $category...
  14. ii silver ii

    TrueCrypt vs Bitlocker

    So I'm thinking about using one of the above on some devices I own such as laptops and/or a Raid 1 desktop to enhance security a little. Which do you recommend or are there others that are better? I've read TrueCrypt has less features but as long as they securely encrpyt and are uncrackable...
  15. ii silver ii

    US to issue travel warning to Americans in Europe

    I don't know if this has much coverage in America at the moment but it seems Al Qaeda are looking to target European cities with 'commando style' attacks such as those seen in Mumbai. BBC News - US will issue travel warning for Americans in Europe I'm in London quite a bit and it's pretty...
  16. ii silver ii

    php find array value in string

    If you have a php string and want to count the number of occurrences of array values within that string how would you go about doing that? I'm trying to find an answer but the only thing I can find is string in arrays which is the other way around and substr_count but you can only use a string...
  17. ii silver ii

    Fast approaching the mighty 500

    So I guess I need one of these threads ... ;)
  18. ii silver ii

    Strange 404 errors on vps

    I'm running a Windows Server 2003 vps which is funcitoning fine apart from one strange error, it won't load any microsoft sites or subdomains and just passes a 404, all other domains and sites operate just fine. Even if I try and ping the site I get.. Tried putting IE security settings on...
  19. ii silver ii

    A couple of members posted about Muse in the past...

    So thought I'd share a few images and a video after watching them live at Wembley Stadium last night with 65,000 other people... I'm sure you can imagine the atmosphere was amazing! I'm not the biggest Muse fan in the world but a friend had a spare ticket so thought I'd go for the experience...
  20. ii silver ii

    Twitter OAuth Settings

    I'm using the following to try and get the new Twitter API running but no tweeting luck at the moment. <? require_once 'twitter/TwitterOAuth.php'; define('CONSUMER_KEY', '123'); define('CONSUMER_SECRET', '123'); define('OAUTH_TOKEN', '123'); define('OAUTH_SECRET', '123'); $connection = new...