Search results

  1. eyekon1

    domain name legal issues....

    does anyone know the laws regarding 'copying' domain names? like for example... <-- made up domain name but the fact it has the word myspace in it...does this make it illegal?
  2. eyekon1

    registering the business / name?

    do people register their website names as a registerd business?? i mean, if you make a videogame website, does this mean you have to register the site as a business,?!?! sorry if such a noob question...
  3. eyekon1

    What do youthink about community sites...?

    hi, newbie to the forum and the 'internet marketing' game.. my question is: what do think about websites that incorporate blog/community/forums? - i've been doing alot of reading and its a fact that you need good unique content on your site, but community sites which incorporate a...