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  1. eyekon1

    Affilate & Mailing Question

    This thread was originally posted in the Art of Mailing forum, but its steering towards the AM side of things, anyone shed some light on this?
  2. eyekon1

    Getting RickRolled is like.....

    getting the 'Goat' like in the movie waiting and Wicked Fire is the restaurant. its just a matter of time till we all come up with our own variations... its almost like that flinch game, flinch? 2 shots to the shoulder.... imagine each WF member packing at least 5 or more RickRollers in their...
  3. eyekon1

    What to say ?!?!?!

    Here's the situation at hand. I currently work a 9-5, and my phone line here has a phone# similar to a travel agent company in the city. So I get wrong number calls all the time looking for 'XYZ' Travel Its crossed my mind to set up a landing page with a domain name almost similar to the...
  4. eyekon1

    Peanut butter bacon strips? lol

    owned?:anon.sml: Peanut Butter Bacon Strips - Home "i found a winner" <---- lol
  5. eyekon1

    hey you have a face like....

    ray liotta.... ok, this is probably a dumb question, so i know i'll probably get a ton of sarcastic replies... it's wrong to promote something by lying to your audience, for example, "hey sign up for this, its FREE" when really you have to pay something up front. bad:mad: but....if you were...
  6. eyekon1

    ahhhh takin' a break....

    the last 4 days, i worked my ass of in pretty hard n' its showing cuz im looking at my azoogle payout bar keep climbing n' climbing.... :D avg. a couple hundred a day. of course this is NOWHERE near what some of these big boys are making but this month is gonna have a...
  7. eyekon1

    neat trick...i guess...AuctionAds.

    so i was messing around with auctionads the other day, i've had it up for almost a week and a half, i decided to try something a little different with my color schemes originally, i had my auctionAds set so that the background matches and the borders match the background and links match my...
  8. eyekon1

    Mambo/Joomla Templates

    pls. delte thread. :)
  9. eyekon1

    type ins....

    what tool do you use on tehe web to check how many type-ins a domain url gets?
  10. eyekon1


    Met up with one of my clients last night to go over some of their revisions for their webste and their launch in a few weeks, as the meeting went on, started "shooting-the-shit" and she tells me that she's flying in her sister to stay with them for the weekend. Turns out this "sister" works for...
  11. eyekon1

    Pay Per Install AffiliatesSssSSss...

    I'm looking for a pay-per-install affiliate....did some research, found out about Zangocash, but it got some negative reviews. another one was yazzle, but that doesnt pay as much as zangocash. can anyone share their experiences with these types of affiliates or suggest other pay per install...
  12. eyekon1

    a Fucked Up Situation...What would you do?

    About a year ago, I had done some work with a local city radio station (hiphop rap R&B). At the time I had just started my home based business doing web design and multimedia. I proposed to the radio station to do a 'trade'. I build you a community based website complete with user profiles...
  13. eyekon1

    Do Links Outweigh Duplicate Content?

    pretty noob question here...but... lets say you have a couple hundred various sites from other people that link to one site of yours, but that one site of yours has all duplicate content (scraped from wikipedia) will that still hurt your PR in google? :anon.sml:
  14. eyekon1

    Affiliate Site - Mini Mall

    new to the affiliate side, thought i'd give it a if i'm talkin like a noob, its cuz i am.. :P right now, i've created the template of my site which is basically a shopping cart system resembling a mini mall, categorized into different sections..etc.. my site almost has the same idea as...
  15. eyekon1

    "Arbitrage is like ..........

    ........Having Sex, Searching for Love and Finding the G-Spot..." (bored, thought i'd share some thoughts about arbi...probably wont make any sense....but wutever..) Here we goooooo.... - To a virgin trying to get laid is like a arbi noob finding and learning about arbitrage. -...
  16. eyekon1

    Content Management Systems ..cms

    is anyone using a CMS for arbitrage sites? would this be adviseable or the complete wrong way to go?
  17. eyekon1

    how many do you do in a day?

    questions to the arbitrage builders out there, how many do you or can you build in a day? is your process automated?
  18. eyekon1

    well designed arbi sites

    n00b....still....but slowly learning the ways..... i've read that arbi site dont have to look pretty at all, their goal is to get them in..and get them out by clicking on an ad. having a background as a web-designer, it sorta hurts to put out something so plain and boring looking, my...
  19. eyekon1

    arbitrage & domain names

    when doing an arbi site, do you buy .com domain names or others? ..or do you get a domain name at all and host your arbi sites under one domain name in sub folders?
  20. eyekon1

    text on opening page......

    noobie here, please no laughing :) ok, so i've read somewhere that if you have text or keywords on your opening page that has nothing to do with your website content - the same color as your background that you can get blacklisted from search engines for example, you're selling vacums but...