Search results

  1. oknetwork

    40 billionaires pledge to give away half of wealth

    40 billionaires pledge to donate half their wealth - U.S. news - Giving -
  2. oknetwork

    How the fuck?

    So I installed fresh XenServer, and deployed fresh 2003 Virtual Machine on it. On the first start of IE it shows default microsoft homepage with feature parners advertised on it. Ebay advertising shows webcam I was looking at recently using my desktop machine. How the fuck? Is it just coincidence?
  3. oknetwork

    .US domains

    Whats wrong with .us domains? Why there no SE love for them at all? I'm yet to see .us domain to rank for anything and this is completely different in another countries: like .de gets more love in than .com. Anyone had good experience ranking .us domain?
  4. oknetwork

    Domain Checker

    Can someone recommend bulk domain checker software? Like checks domains from the list of keywords you feed to it? Preferably desktop application
  5. oknetwork

    Is Solution to State Deficits Only a Mouse Click Away?

    nice Is Solution to State Deficits Only a Mouse Click Away? - Yahoo! Finance=
  6. oknetwork

    Pay-Per-Call networks

    Does one know good network who have pay-per-call based lead offers (edu, financial, health)
  7. oknetwork

    Outdoor advertising

    I would like to test freeway billboard ad. Any networks/advertisers that have experience/knowledge what offers may work please pm
  8. oknetwork

    Windows hosting?

    Can anyone recommend good/affordable Windows VPS with MSSQL ?
  9. oknetwork

    Help to choose domain

    So I want to get 2-word domain. Similar to> first word ends with "ss" and second word begins with "s" Lets assume is taken and another tlds as well. Availble are: and (note: missing one s) and So will i get exact...
  10. oknetwork

    U-BOT can save your freedom!

    Facebook Alibi: Rodney Bradford Wrote Facebook Message During Robbery, Released From Jail Now try to use this story and add u-bot spice to make Diggs home page Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with u-bot in anyway, but I think they own me one for creative ad
  11. oknetwork

    .DE domain registrar and hosting

    What is good/cheap .de domain registrar and Germany based hosting?
  12. oknetwork

    PPC ,Seo white paper

    Does anyone know a good white paper for PPC , SEO to present to corporate executives who don't know what that is. Like what needs to be done , planning etc. Don't fill like writing this bullshit myself
  13. oknetwork

    Affiliate marketing and security

    A lot of posts appear lately with questions about security. From "I'm traveling, is it save to use my laptop in hotspots, hotels etc? to "How do I secure my servers (prosper) ?" Suggestions like don't use hotspots, have dedicated PC and allow login only from it's ip to your prosper server is...
  14. oknetwork

    Image scrapper

    What I need to do is download and save all images by choosing website directory for example Directory itself is forbidden images are not and link to them looks like
  15. oknetwork

    Will Chrome Shine where Firefox fails?

    I was searching for tickets LAX-Moscow in Orbits, opened another tab with yahoo news and what I see. Fuck this shit
  16. oknetwork

    Ringtone sours

    ICE BREAKERS SINGTONES – Record Your Own Karaoke Ringtone Instead of trying to trick people into signing for monthly fees they use ring tones( sing tones) as added value for they candies. I know it is a bit dated, just wanted to share different approach.
  17. oknetwork

    site like this

    What would take to make site like this one http://www.boddit[dot]com? Is there script available to do something like that? thanks