Search results

  1. nomak

    Jack of all trades versus specialization

    So I was rereading Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations and I found this passage about the division of labour and I was thinking that it might be a good idea to start a thread with the pros and cons of each of them, and which one would be a better strategy in our days and why. “In the progress of the...
  2. nomak

    Russian Fucks over Bank

    A Russian man who decided to write his own small print in a credit card contract has had his changes upheld in court. He's now suing the country's leading online bank for more than 24 million rubles ($727,000) in compensation. Disappointed by the terms of the unsolicited offer for a credit card...
  3. nomak

    Obama's Reptilian Bodyguard

    OBAMA ALIEN demon UFO ghost 666 devil SECRET SERVICE - YouTube inb4 thejewsdidthis.jpg
  4. nomak

    What's the best TV Series ?

    Ok, enough fucking around, it's time for the showdown. Please cast your votes, gentlemen.
  5. nomak

    Assassination Attempt on Bulgarian Opposition Leader Ahmed Dogan

    Assassination Attempt on Bulgarian Opposition Leader Ahmed Dogan (MRF) - YouTube
  6. nomak

    Flatmate stealing food - Solutions ?

    So I'm sharing a flat with 2 french people, a girl and a guy. They're both studying arts, she's doing fashion, I have no idea what the fuck he's studying, he had to draw a tree for his exam. I have noticed from the beginning that he was using my spices, onions, garlic, but now he went so far I...
  7. nomak

    Breaking the Taboo

    This movie has just been made available to watch in full for free on the 6th of December. Here's the description: Narrated by Oscar winning actor Morgan Freeman, "Breaking the Taboo" is produced by Sam Branson's indie Sundog Pictures and Brazilian co-production partner Spray Filmes and was...
  8. nomak

    Where's SEO heading ?

    There are definitely a lot of things changing, in addition to the changes already in place, and I think it's important not to get too caught up with ranking and end up getting sidetracked. Can you predict how SEO will be in 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years time? Discuss.
  9. nomak

    If Jesus would be an IM'er...

    What niches would he be in ? Would he outrank Grindstone ? Would he blank his referrers ? Would he create his own blog network ?
  10. nomak

    Restaurant business?

    I'm thinking about expanding into the restaurant / coffee shop business sometime in the future. There is a gap in this space in the market that I'm targetting, I have a space in mind with a very good commercial location, it's in a mall. Has anyone dipped his toes into this business? Discuss.
  11. nomak

    Meditation Advice

    So, I'm planning on starting a daily meditation routine just to get my head clear, because sometimes I feel I get so involved that I am not able to see the forest from the trees anymore. I think meditation will put me back on track and I've been keen on giving it a go for ages. Do you meditate...
  12. nomak

    Freddie Mercury Joke

    "- Mrs. Mercury, can Freddie go out to play?" "- No." "- MAMA MIA, MAMA MIA, MAMA MIA, LET ME GO!"
  13. nomak

    What does your daily schedule look like?

    Since we all know establishing routines and habits is essential to being productive I thought we'd share our daily schedules and discuss.
  14. nomak

    The rich and the rest

    An interesting article I found on The Economist regarding the relation between education and other factors and income. The United States: The rich and the rest | The Economist
  15. nomak

    Double rainbow

    Yosemitebear Mountain Giant Double Rainbow 1-8-10 - YouTube
  16. nomak

    Finding the right balance

    I just can't get over this. I am never, never fully satisfied with what I do. I just can't be content. I'm struggling to find that perfect balance between work, health, knowledge and interpersonal skills. Eg: If I work for 6 months 24/7 on a project and the money starts rolling in, I feel that...
  17. nomak

    Warrior Forum Marketing

    Grab it while you can, gentlemen.
  18. nomak

    Too much information ?

    I was thinking recently that the amount of information we're exposed to is fucking enormous and there must be some way of cutting through it and getting the essence. Too much information, not so much knowledge. Let's say you want to know what's going on around the world, it would be ignorant to...
  19. nomak

    Should mgrunin start a trading thread ?

    Since we're all witnesses to mgrunin's mastermind trading strategy, I'd say this would be a good opportunity for us to learn some basic trading if he agrees to.