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  1. stussy5555

    Copywriting needed done today

    I have 3 products I need quality reviews written for @350 words each. Need it done today. Payment through PayPal. Any takers?
  2. stussy5555


    Do any of you ever feel bad when people leave comments on your flogs like "you're a scam" or "this shit doesn't work, i want the number to return this product" etc.? Maybe thats why the comments are turned off on most? For some reason it gets to me. But my shop is still open. :evil_laughter:
  3. stussy5555

    God Dammit Stupidity

    I submitted some new ads for FB this afternoon and the family was in town so we went out for dinner, drinks. I get home and see that I have blown through $1K. So I am like, whatever, let me check the stats, $350 in leads, FUCK. Note to self, and others, you can PAUSE your FB campaigns even...
  4. stussy5555

    Quality of a Lead (Social Media)

    Do you guys run into issues with the quality of the leads you are sending from Facebook and MySpace? The reason I am asking is because I have heard about affiliates getting cut from offers for poor quality of the lead. I just started getting into Facebook and about to try MySpace and my...
  5. stussy5555

    [insert girls name here] weight loss blog

    Just curious ... on those Acai + Colon blogs that state you should buy both products for max benefits, what is the % of people that land on the landing page and then actually click on the offer. For ringtones, about 60% of the people who land on a carrier landing page click on their carrier to...
  6. stussy5555

    Twitter Question

    I signed up for Twitter a long time ago with a Britney Spears username, and the purpose was to push Britney Spears ringtones. This month, for some reason, I have been getting a lot of followers to that account, I am up to 100 now. I don't user Twitter really and it doesn't sound like many peeps...
  7. stussy5555

    tshirt hell

    T-Shirt Hell says goodbye. Thanks to all who supported us. Jon, is this you?
  8. stussy5555

    Ringtone Offers

    Are there any other networks besides Azoogle that have quality ringtone offers? Thumbplay doesn't allow you to use "Verizon" in your ad copy, plus they reduced payout to a ridiculously low amount (unless you are the one affiliate Azoogle/Thumbplay grandfathered in at the high payout). Dada...
  9. stussy5555

    Keyword is not relevant

    When you guys see keywords in your ad groups start trickling in that says "keyword is not relevant" and has a 3/10 or 4/10 poor quality score, do you delete those keywords or keep them? If you keep them will it eventually drag down the rest of the keywords in those ad groups or in your account...
  10. stussy5555

    Where do you hire a Kick-ass designer?

    Does anyone else have a hard time finding kick-ass designers? Most people who offer their services think they are designers, and clearly they aren't. Their design sucks and I can't be wading through anymore god damn "portfolios". And yes, I have already tried elance, etc al. I'm looking for...
  11. stussy5555

    Convert Adwords --> Adcenter

    Anyone know of an automatic tool that can convert your Adwords account to the correct format for bulk upload on MSN adcenter?
  12. stussy5555

    55-65% Bounce Rate on My Site (Your Thoughts?)

    So I have this travel web site that I push traffic through Adwords. All PPC traffic is sent to specific hotel pages and the keywords and ads are tightly targeted for each hotel. Quality score is good, placement is good, but bounce rate is 55-65% ... which I am not sure is good or bad in the...
  13. stussy5555

    Help before I throw my laptop out high rise window.

    okay so I am trying to fix a JavaScript error on this page: Milford Plaza in New York City, New York I have looked at it over and over again and cannot figure out what is causing the error? Anyone MUCH smarter than me that can help? p.s. The error is in IE 7
  14. stussy5555


    Anyone run Thumbplay through Azoogle? Apparently they are cutting the payout to $10 for AT&T and Verizon leads. I have some really good campaigns setup for AT&T but $10 isn't going to come close to cutting it for me to be profitable unless I want to cut volume down to nill. Other than...
  15. stussy5555

    Google Adwords - Somewhat Unrelated Keywords

    I have been working on a specific niche recently and found a group of keywords that are only somewhat related to the product that just kill it. They convert above and beyond keywords based on the product - mostly due to less competition. Problem is its hard as hell to keep a good quality score...
  16. stussy5555

    How do you about asking for a new AFF manager?

    So basically my affiliate manager isn't very good. I ask questions or have issues with tracking that need to be resolved and he says he will look into it for me. But then I never hear anything back from him. I'm not a small affiliate, either ... so I would think this AFF manager would want my...
  17. stussy5555

    Direct Linking vs. Landing Page

    Just curious, on Facebook and Myspace, whats the ratio of direct linking vs. landing pages you use? I currently use a landing page 75% of the time or on 3/4 campaigns, and direct link on the others. What works best for you guys?
  18. stussy5555

    Re-create a Map

    I need someone to take the link to the map below and re-create it to be larger, easier to read and much better looking. Please let me know time to complete and cost. I can pay via PayPal. Thanks
  19. stussy5555

    gphone and gphone accessories - Aff Program?

    I have a really good domain name for a site on selling gphones and gphone accessories. Does anyone know if there is an affiliate program that I could use to monetize this site? Also, what type of setup do you think would be best, a review site + buy or straight buy?