Search results

  1. BeefyChong

    Being approved by COPEAC

    Hi, I've just applied for an account at copeac. They want to know how I generate my leads. Now this may sound stupid but do they wanna know how I get my traffic? My site gets about 60%-70% of it's visitors through search engines, about 10% from recurring visitors and the rest from referential...
  2. BeefyChong

    My website - Your comments please

    Hi all, I'm pretty new to this affiliate marketing thing. I have a website set up at Free MIDI Files, Karaoke and Soundfonts @ HomeMusician.Net . I've done a review of a product sold through zZounds (affliated through I would like to know what you think of it and how...
  3. BeefyChong

    Promoting cheaper or expensive products?

    Is it easier to promote cheap products (more sales, lower profit) or is it more profitable to promote more expensive stuff (less sales, higher profits)? I know I don't buy a lot of the expensive stuff online so I wonder if a PPC campaign would have a good conversion rate.
  4. BeefyChong

    What is an acceptable CTR?

    I would like to know, based on your experience, what is the average CTR? I want to start a PPC campaign to promote products from an affiliate program and I wonder what is an acceptable CTR. Sorry for my english, I usually speak french.