Search results

  1. BeefyChong

    How Do You Track Keywords?

    I would like to know what's the best way to track keywords your visitors entered before clicking on your AdWords ads? I thought that I could get this with PHP through $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] but this var is empty when a visitor gets to my landing page by clicking on an ad. When then they...
  2. BeefyChong

    Advaliant Affiliate Network

    I've been contacted "personally" by them today but I've never heard of them before. Anyone knows them? They are based in Toronto if I am not mistaking.
  3. BeefyChong

    Problem Connecting to

    Anyone else using I can't connect and I still havent got a reply from them since I sent them an email this morning. Can't reach live support neither.
  4. BeefyChong

    What Affiliate Tools Do Merchant Use?

    I've seen the same affiliate software used by COPEAC on some other affiliate site. Do you have any idea what tool they use?
  5. BeefyChong

    Setting Up a Campaign From Scratch

    Ok I've tried to put up some quick campaigns awhile ago and it was ugly. I think I was trying too much to make quick cash. So I'm trying to make it the proper way. Here's what I've done so far: (sorry for my english btw) 1. Found a niche on a topic I know a lot about and which I like. Time...
  6. BeefyChong

    Stupid Question About EPC

    I'm registered on CJ and for their advertisers they show "7 day EPC" and "3 months EPC". Some campaigns have a 7 day EPC of $17 and a 3 months EPC of $54. Can someone tell me the difference both EPC?
  7. BeefyChong

    Any Potential to My Site?

    I've been running this website for quite a while and only managed to generate revenues from AdSense at this point : Home Recording, MIDI, Soundfonts, Karaoke, VST, Samples @ HomeMusician.Net Now I'd like to take it to another level but it seems I'm having an overdose of information and can't...
  8. BeefyChong

    Anyone tried KeywordsAnalyzer?

    I swear I've got nothing to do with this site but did some of you tried this software : Keywords Analyzer: Ultimate Keyword Research Or if you have a similar tool to recommend, I'd be glad to hear it. Thanks!
  9. BeefyChong

    Looking for an AdWords analyzer

    Hi, I need either a software or a web-based service that can analyze a keyword list (1500+) and give the search volume, the amount of competition and the average PPC. As of now, all I've found are tools that allows you to do that one keyword at a time or that will give you the keywords from...
  10. BeefyChong

    My QS dropped on all my keywords!

    I've set up this tight AdWords ad group with a bunch of keywords, I made sure the ads and the landing page were relevant. At first, 50% of my keywords had great QS while the rest had an ok QS. A few days later, almost all my keyword got a poor QS even though nothing has changed in the ads or...
  11. BeefyChong

    Anyone Tried AdSpy Pro?

    I understand that it's a PHP script so you need to host it in order to use it right? Has anyone tried it yet and is it worth the price?
  12. BeefyChong

    Bulk Keyword Analyzis?

    I've got this bunch of keywords (about 1500) I need to analyze. I want to know how much traffic they get, how much competition they have and who bids on them. Is there a tool (web or software) that can run a bulk analysis? Sorry if my english sucks. Thanks for your help!
  13. BeefyChong

    Adwords and affiliate links - I am missing something...

    If I want to set up an AdWords campaign to promote let's say a COPEAC or CJ campaign (and now comes the stupid question), what do I put in the display URL? I mean I can't use a URL that's already been used by another advertiser (like the merchant's URL), so what do you put in there? A link to a...
  14. BeefyChong

    Looking For Someone To Write Music Lessons

    I've got this music site which has been online for almost 3 years. It has somewhere between 600 and 1000 unique visitors a day, mostly organic traffic. I am looking for someone who could provide music lessons (with audio and / or video) to build a membership area. PM me if interested.
  15. BeefyChong

    AdWords' rule regarding affiliate links

    What's Google's rule regarding affiliate links? I mean I know they'll never show more than one ad from multiple advertisers that goes to the same URL. And what link does Google consider? The affiliate link or the landing page it redirects to?
  16. BeefyChong

    Copeac custom landing pages

    Does anybody know if it's ok to build your own custom landing page to promote a Copeac campaign? I'd like to have my own in order to get a higher QS for my keywords. I've emailed Copeac of course, but if I can get an answer here today, I'd appreciate. Thanks!
  17. BeefyChong

    Perry Marshall's Adwords Guide - Worth it?

    Has anybody actually bought it? I've had the impression it was the only one worth reading.
  18. BeefyChong

    Other sites like

    Spyfu doesn't have any data on some particular keywords /competitors I am looking for. What other online tools does the same work?
  19. BeefyChong

    How to see ads displayed in other countries?

    Hi, I am currently setting up an AdWords campaign and I would like to see what the competition's (is it you?) ads are like. Unfortunately, I am from Canada (hey nobody's perfect) and I would like to see ads limited to the US. I cannot use a proxy as AdWords is not server-side and it would...
  20. BeefyChong

    Landing pages - One or more steps?

    I was reading on a blog about using multiple steps from a landing page before 'attempting conversion'. They say it can be rude to collect personnal information or getting a visitor to buy on a single landing page. What's your take?