Search results

  1. I

    Time to get a job.

    Time to get a job. I have a problem though. I haven't had a job in years. I have 2 companies where I'm a CEO, but profits are limited and I need capital. I also need to eat and pay rent, so I must raise my revenues. What the heck do I put on the resume? If I say I own 2 companies, is anyone...
  2. I

    cashflow problem

    Hey guys. I've posted here some time ago about being strapped for cash, however I've been finding ways to make money. The only problem is that it's low ROI income... less than 50% most of the time. More around 20% ROI. The problem I'm facing right now is lack of cashflow, as I can get rather...
  3. I

    Getting a Job - AM Part Time

    So... the time I've been dreading has come. Haven't had a job in about 4 years. I've been living off of affiliate and other marketing all that time, however my debt is around 50k. And majority of my campaigns either tanked or getting negative ROI as of this month. This month so far has been...
  4. I

    problems with focus

    Hey guys Do you ever get this: you know what you need to be doing, you know how to do it, you have all the tools and knowledge and experience. Yet you just can't sit down and do it. Not sure how to explain this. It's like my mind just doesn't want to "kick into" work. It feels like brain fog...