Search results

  1. N

    Facebook Issues

    Hi, Bit of a long shot, are there any FB Experts? I created a new business so signed up with FB with my real name, DOB and phone number. Next thing I know it asks for verification and then I send my drivers license. 24 hours later the account is permanently disabled, I have no other accounts...
  2. N

    RSS for Certain Forum

    Hi, Is this possible? I am trying it with say: But I get a white error page?
  3. N

    Basic API for my Website?

    I have a PHP function that I run myself that works really well to get information that I need with just a few variables needed. I want to expand this to let external websites use this function but I don't want them to be able to edit the function or have any control over it so I guess I need...
  4. N

    Best way for large mysql queries to load on page?

    I have an issue where one of my sites uses mysql queries that sometimes take about 5 seconds and I will sometimes have 2 or 3 of them on a page. The queries is basically just searching a huge DB but I don't want it to slow the page down as at the minute it waits for the queries before the page...
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    Wierd PHP String Manipulation Issue

    Hi guys, I am using ckeditor on a site which works great but it keeps putting the code like this: <p> Testing the RSS Feed out and the paragraphs.</p> The thing is, I need it to look like this: <p>Testing the RSS Feed out and the paragraphs.</p> How would I go about...
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    Mod Rewrite / htaccess Help

    Hi Guys, I am trying to make it so that my blog can be found at and then the posts are I have used the below code but it doesn't seem to work: RewriteRule ^blog/([a-z_0-9-]*)/([a-z_0-9-]*)$ blogpost.php?first=$1&second=$2 [L] RewriteRule blog blog.php
  7. N

    PHP and numbers!

    Hi, I have the following code: <?php //foreach($prices as $key=>$val) for($i=0; $i<=1000; $i=$i+100) { $ss = substr(strval($i),0,1); $ss = $ss.",100"; $p = number_format($i,2,".",","); $vv = "£".($i)."-£".($i+100); $jj =...
  8. N

    Apache Keeps Hanging

    Hi guys, my server keeps coming to a standstill. I have to reboot it every couple of hours. When I check the logs I have loads of this: [Sat Oct 23 19:18:34 2010] [error] child process 5960 still did not exit, sending a SIGKILL [Sat Oct 23 19:18:34 2010] [error] child process 5965 still did...
  9. N

    goDaddy accusing me of phishing, help!

    Hi Guys, I have a site which has a registration form (see here the register link) and apparently goDaddy class this as phishing. It is a registration form so will ask for an email, user and pass so people can log in? They wont accept that it isn't phishing and are threatening to suspend the...
  10. N

    Looking for a Dedicated Server - Linux - UK Based

    Hi, I am looking to get another Dedicated Server. At the minute I will only need around 2GB memory on a Linux install and maybe 250gb - 500gb HDD Space (With or without RAID). It has to be UK based and can be unmanaged as I can look after it myself. Also, what is the setup time and contract...
  11. N

    Does moving hosts affect rankings?

    I have a site at the minute which I am moving to a new host. Will the new IP address for the site affect my SE rankings etc? There won't be much downtime on the site and it will be exactly the same setup but just in a new data center. I am just worried about losing my longtails :(
  12. N

    Issues with my VPS - Please help :)

    I have a vps and they made some changes the other day and now it appears every wordpress mu site I have setup is now 301'ing across to another domain. When you try to go to it sends you to and it does this for every single site. Does anybody have any...
  13. N

    Vector Logos - Coding - Web Scraping - Database Building

    Hi, I am looking to start building up a client database and work with some of you WF guys so I am offering Logo Design, Graphic Design as well as Programming and Data Scraping services. I can do logos for $30 a pop in full Vector and you will get fonts used, AI Sources Files as well as the...
  14. N

    Just got a dedi server..What stuff shall I get?

    I have a dedi for all of my automation tools. I have the following: Tweet Attacks Scrapebox Bookmarking Demon Megapinger Proxy Finder Can anybody suggest any other tools I should get to help me get into automation a bit more?
  15. N

    Simple PHP Issue - Functions and mysql

    Hi Guys, I am having issues with this bit of code: I keep getting this error on the line of code I have made bold. I can't understand why it works with the get_proxy function. function get_proxy() { require_once('../Connections/Proxys.php')...
  16. N

    WTB : Windows Server (VPS or Dedi)

    Hi Guys I am looking for a Windows Server (doesnt need to be a web hosting) but need to be able to RDP to it :) Does anybody on here host them or know where I can find one for a decent price? Thanks
  17. N

    WTB : Level 2 or above Yahoo Answers Accounts

    Looking for 2 or 3 accounts :) Could you PM me ASAP. Money is waiting!
  18. N

    Incentives Site

    Hi, I just wondered what the best script and network is best to run one of these? Thanks Oh and
  19. N

    Will Design in Return for Affiliate Coaching?

    I have tried this before without much luck. I am an experienced designer, coder and all round "web guy" but the problem I have is making money so if I scratch somebodies back will they scratch mine? I am willing to do web work like: Landing Pages Banners, Logos and Headers XHTML Sites You...
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    Vector Logo Design $30 - Web Design - Graphic Design

    Hi Guys, I have not been on here for a long while but I am back in the trade now so wanted to offer my services on here. I can design fully vector logos to your specification, colour scheme and size to polish off your website / marketing material with a great branded logo. I am offering them...