Search results

  1. L


    Has anyone tried CBProsense? It generates ads for ClickBank products using keywords, but you can also manually select keywords for any page. This is also supposed to be based on the products with the best commissions and sales. Is the subscription price of about $12 per month worth it?
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    Mixing affiliate offers

    I am working two affiliate programs on the same site. Since they appeal to the same market, I'm looking at including both on the same pages. Do you think this dilutes the effect? Does a focused pre-sell on one product give you a higher clickthrough?
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    SEO Effect and Outbound Links

    Do affiliate links have a code design that differentiates them from other outbound links? I'm trying to figure out whether or not I should limit the number on each page. What are your views on SEO and affiliate links?
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    Expired Domains and Age

    I have read that expired domains "may" be viewed the same as if they were new. Is that true, or would it depend on the domain's history and how long the name has been expired? I'm not looking at a particular one yet, but I am looking for older domains for SEO. Should I bypass any that have...
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    I'm looking for an autoresponder that I can promote as an affiliate and use myself. I'd like to find one that offers something simple to set up without much of a learning curve. That should convert better. I'd appreciate any recommendations.
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    Affiliate Links on Facebook

    Does Facebook allow affiliate links? I don't really have the site ready that I want to promote the product with yet. I thought that Facebook might be a way to test the waters.
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    Conversion rates for Amazon

    Which Amazon products generally have the best conversion rates besides books? I'm assuming that books are great at converting since that's what Amazon is known for, but you can't make more than a dollar or two on each sale.
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    Coupon-related affiliate programs?

    Has anyone used Coupon Clutch or Coupon Gravy? I'm looking at adding a new section to one of my websites related to saving money. I read a decent review of Coupon Gravy's affiliate program, but I don't know if it was an impartial source.
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    Non English Speakers, I'm curious...

    ...Other than the obvious language barrier that exists, what type of special challenges do you face trying to enter the IM world? I mean, do you find that there are cultural or other factors that seem to make it hard for you to break into the internet marketing world? Just wondering.
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    Types of sites?

    For those of you who own a number of sites in the double digits or more, how would you say they are divided up? Meaning, would you say about half are blogs and half are micro niches? Most of them blogs, with a few membership sites? A few Ecommerce sites, a few video sites and the rest blogs?
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    Amazon FBA

    I've got a thought on the backburners about using Fulfillment by Amazon for some jewelry I'd like to import. Does anyone use their FBA program?
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    Any inventors on here?

    Many years ago I was almost scammed by one of those 'invention development' companies. They wanted to charge me $12,000 just to BEGIN the process of patent research and I forget what else. Needless to say I walked out of the office and never pursued it. Has anyone tried the invention route for a...
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    AskSunday virtual assistant

    I see lots of ads for AskSunday, the virtual assistant service. For just a project by project basis, they charge $12.00 and hour with a $3 dollar weekly activation fee, so in essence, about $15.00 per project. Has anyone used them so far?
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    Methods for starting new projects?

    What's your process for starting a new project? Do you write out an outline or a few points on paper, or use a mindmap, or some other method? I used to write out an outline of rather detailed steps but now I just write out certain points that I need to remember, especially if it's something new...
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    Mobile ready?

    I don't have very many websites but the few that I do have aren't optimized for a mobile environment. I hate feeling like I'm always behind in implementing the latest stuff but once again, here I am. Are all your sites up and running with mobile?
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    Do people know what you do?

    I'm talking about in the 'real world'. I've tried to tell people about making money online; about how lots of people make money from writing for themselves or writing for others. I've talked about being an 'affiliate'. No one really seems to understand what I'm saying or if they do it's like...
  17. L


    A few years back - when I was really, REALLY a newbie (ha!) I tried to run a forum format on my website. I was excited at first but it was such a drag to keep up with the spammers, the questions/comments that weren't appropriate for the site, the slow/no participation etc. I kinda would like to...
  18. L

    Can't rewind video?

    What type of video players are the internet marketers using these days that don't allow you to fast forward or rewind? It gets so frustrating (when I'm doing my typical multi-tasking) and I am unable to rewind a section of the video to look at a screen shot or hear something over again that was...
  19. L


    Are you outsourcing your work? If so, what did you start with first; website building, article marketing, social network stuff or some other area? I'm hesitant to do any outsourcing yet - I just feel I need to be in control of the whole project; at least for now. I tested the waters by asking a...
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    Who's the Guru?

    I've been 'loosely' following Ryan Diess and Jim Cockrum as my 'go to' people to find out what works and what doesn't work for IM as a whole. I say 'loosely' because I can never seem to get too far past 'go' - my real world life takes precedence and I can devote only so much time to the online...