Search results

  1. lanwar

    How come affiliate programs don't pay a bonus for clicks?

    I mean, if someone clicked onto their landing page, you as an affiliate already did your "sold" the product to the user, that they are interested in finding out more. If they don't buy, then it's the merchant's fault for having a crappy landing page/checkout process. Shouldn't we as...
  2. lanwar

    Do you need to use advertiser hosted images/pixels?

    Or is that optional? For example for text, they give you the following code: <a href="" target="_top">Text</a> <img src="" width="1" height="1" border="0"/> And for banner ads its: <a...
  3. lanwar

    What's the best way to control ads for the entire site?

    Basically I want to be able to change CPA ads on the fly across the entire website without having to go through 2000 pages and doing it manually. What would be the best way to approach this? The way I'm thinking of right now is to: a) create sample placer images on each page. ex: 468x60, call...
  4. lanwar

    Know what I hate about Daily Show and Colbert Report?

    That they take their vacations at the same damn time. They more or less report on the same topics, it's downright stupid for Comedy Central to have both of them on vacation while new things happen. And I could see if they took a few days a year, but they are on vacation all the time. For...
  5. lanwar

    What were you doing before Affiliate Marketing?

    Job or if you are still/were in school, your major
  6. lanwar

    What do you need to do, to increase your chances of being accepted by advertiser?

    So far its ~50/50 for me. Out of 9 offers I applied for: 5 Accepted 3 Auto-Declined 1 Manually Declined after like 4 days So what exactly are these advertisers looking for? What kind of stats do they have access to? Are they making the decisions solely on the look/feel of the landing page, or...
  7. lanwar

    What's your daily schedule like?

    10:00 - wake up 10:30-11:00 - breakfast 11:00-..... etc
  8. lanwar

    Has an affiliate marketer ever been audited?

    I searched but couldn't find anything
  9. lanwar

    What's your monthly profit margin?

    That "how much are you making daily" poll seems pretty pointless since this is so dependent on the starting income. Someone making $10K profit in a day, isn't really that impressive if they spent $250K to get there. To make it a little bit more fair, the number in question is the number for...
  10. lanwar

    How long does it usually take you to prepare a campaign?

    Prepared being: a) Creating the landing page(s) b) Preparing the keyword list c) Setting up all the tracking stuff etc
  11. lanwar

    What do you usually pay for CPC/CPM?

    Overall for all your options(adwords,facebook,etc etc), what is your average CPC/CPM. Not your bids, the actual amount you end up paying.
  12. lanwar

    What was your first campaign?

    When you first started doing AM, what was the first offer you decided to push? And how profitable did it end up being?
  13. lanwar

    Is Facebook a waste of money compared to adwords?

    It seems like Facebook is a waste of money compared to Adwords. You get a ton of impressions, a few click throughs, but they don't seem to convert that well, compared to clicks from adwords. If you had to put a number on it, how much more effective did you find adwords compared to Facebook.