Search results

  1. esomark

    please watch this short video

    hey guys, my rowing clubs in a video competition, would really appreciate if you could watch this. good luck bros RBS ESSA Bronze Finalist - Warwick Rowing Society - YouTube
  2. esomark

    $1.5/100 words native english writer. Able to write quality articles for less money.

    So I haven't been on wickedfire in a while because last year I was focusing on my studies and then I went travelling for a year. However all the work's paid off as I've been accepted by Oxford University to study PPE (politics, philosophy and economics). That means I'll be writing hundreds of...
  3. esomark

    What's your favorite underground hip hop?

    Post some videos of your favorite underground songs.. YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. And some Aussi: YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. And finally UK: YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
  4. esomark

    Converted by this post - I actually might believe in this now.

    The Devil's Knife: New From Old: A Friendly Society This was written by the leader of The Libertarian Party in the UK. Its the first time I've ever thought that there could be alternatives to a welfare state.
  5. esomark

    Best place to sell fully developed websites?

    I have a few websites that I've become bored of and I could do with the short term cash to invest in other things right now. So where's the best place to sell a website?
  6. esomark


    I'm bored so here you go
  7. esomark

    PHP programmer for hire

    I can deal with any kind of scraping and spamming, as long as javascript is not too heavy on the site. I've built amazon scrapers, article scrapers, online games scrapers. I've made wordpress spammers and scripts that login to different wordpress accounts and post articles. I can do basic...
  8. esomark

    How much would you pay for this domain

    How much would you pay for this domain name: dictionary word that is 6 letters long the same word gets 4 million searches per month from the UK and 7.5 million worldwide. the site is already top for that word the name was registered in 1996
  9. esomark

    Google virus

    A while ago I speculated that one day a genius is going to get so pissed off at google that he makes a virus that puts his sites to the top of the serps, client side. And because there's no reason for anyone to notice, it could spread rapidly. Then I thought, someone could be doing that now...
  10. esomark


    I saw Bruno yesterday, and there was more dickroll in it than there is on WF. It was fucking hilarious though. Anyone else seen it yet?
  11. esomark

    50,000 FREE VISITORS (cost of $1000)

    I recently found something that gave me a few cheap thrills. Go to the site below and put in some details, then have some fun winding up the live salespeople who clearly know nothing about making money online.. They get properly pissed it so funny! - Webcasting, Database...
  12. esomark

    Wordpress auto commenter just $20

    We all know websites need tonnes of backlinks to rank first. One way to do this is by commenting on blogs, however this can take a very long time. That is why I have developed a php script that automatically comments on thousands of wordpress blogs with ease. This script can comment on about...