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  1. RickStar

    My first ever content page - 10 Funniest scenes from Bruno's TV show

    Hey, I thought I might try writing some content to see how it goes. It has received 1300 visitors in two days from Wikipedia, IMDB etc... It's called "10 Gayest Bruno Scenes Ever"
  2. RickStar

    Giving away Travel Links

    So... my boss has said that I'm to acquire links at any cost. I said "so can I trade links on our home page etc...?" He said "Yes Richard, you can". So... if anyone wants a link on or any sub pages, let me know. Richard.
  3. RickStar

    I want to Buy Travel Sites and Car Sites

    Looking to purchase travel and/or car sites.... Bonuses for Car Rental sites.
  4. RickStar

    Moving to USA.... tell mewhich city.

    Gday, I need to move to USA from Australia very soon for work. Which city should I move to? I have choice of any city. I want networking with WF type peeps / other online businesses Quality of female talent will obviously be taken into consideration I was thinking Vegas for the events or NYC...
  5. RickStar

    Any digg players on here?

    I'm looking for fellow regular Digg users who are looking to increase circle of digg friends. Interested?
  6. RickStar

    Which country are you from?

    So.... Which country are you gentlemen / ladies from? Do you use your local knowloedge to an advantage when doing business online?
  7. RickStar

    eCPM Murdered!!!

    Here's the deal.... My estimated adsense cost per click has been slaughted. I've got a website on a well paying topic and was making about 80c per click from adsense. I got pretty stoked when I started getting about 30 clicks/day without initially doing too much work. (Yeh, we're talkin low...