Search results

  1. kjb1891

    Do High Cost PPC Keywords Really Convert Better?

    I just started a PPC campaign for a new niche that I've never marketed before, and the first thing I noticed is that some of the keywords are pretty expensive just to get onto the first page compared to the niches I've worked in before. I'm talking in the $0.50-$1.25 CPC range. I've read many...
  2. kjb1891

    Changing Page Code Based On Visitors Browser?

    I'm having a problem with a page I'm designing. I'm using absolute divs to position all of the items on the page, but for some reason the headline is in a slightly different position depending on the browser I view the page with. It seems only to happen with the vertical placement of the...
  3. kjb1891

    What Types Of Redirects Pass Link Weight?

    What types of page redirects pass link weight and which ones don't?
  4. kjb1891

    Outbound Links: Authority vs Relevancy

    As far as SEO is concerned I'd imagine most you would agree that outbound links CAN help increase rankings, but which do you think is more important when it comes to outbound links? Authority or relevancy? For example, purely for SEO purposes, if you were to make an outbound link to a site such...
  5. kjb1891

    A Way To Make Static On-Site Search Results Pages?

    Does anyone know if you can make search results pages that your visitors created into static pages on your site? For example, if I have a visitor to my site do a search for "blue widgets" in a Google search box that I have on my site can I make that search results page into a static page on my...
  6. kjb1891

    Question About Link Anchor Text For SEO

    I've always read that it's best to vary your anchor text in links that you build to your webpages, and that if you over do it with any keyword you could get penalized or delisted, but what if you have a keyword domain? For example, say your keyword is "blue widgets" and your domain is...
  7. kjb1891

    PHP Security Script

    I'm setting up a non-crappy-ebook Clickbank site and I 've got just about everything up and running except for the security script that they provide to protect the thank you page. I want to use the PHP script that they provide but they won't help me out with it at all for whatever reason. I...
  8. kjb1891

    Question About Something Eli Said In An Interview

    I was reading the interview Aaron Wall did with Eli on SEO Book: Interview of Eli from Blue Hat : SEO Something he said in the interview stood out to me. AARON: Have you ever felt a search engineer was lying about something? If so, have you ever called them out on it? ELI...
  9. kjb1891

    Increasing Conversions On Landing Pages

    What are some of the best things you guys have found to help increase sales conversions on your sales/pitch/landing pages?
  10. kjb1891

    Making A Download Button?

    What's the best way to make a button download a file from a URL? Some kind of onclick/javascript code maybe?
  11. kjb1891

    Resizing target="_blank"???

    Does anyone know how to specify the size of a new window from opening a link?
  12. kjb1891

    VERY Interesting Article About Google

    I came across this really interesting article about Google. Let me know what you guys think of it. I'm not sure what to make of it personally. Don't Be Evil: Google assigns dollar value to search results
  13. kjb1891

    Using Affiliate URLs In Iframes?

    I was wanting to make a landing page that has some preselling copy on it and and wanted to set up an iframe right under the content with the merchants product page redirected through my affiliate link so the visitor doesn't have to click through a link at all. I tried it but every time I load...
  14. kjb1891

    Earner's Blog Post About Press Releases

    I just read Earner's blog post titled "11 Tips for the Perfect Online Press Release" and he says that he used 3 keywords as anchor text in links pointing to his new site from his PR Web press release and that he started ranking for those keywords shortly afterwards. All 3 keywords were at...
  15. kjb1891

    The "History Factor" For Adwords

    Hey everyone. I recently read a good blog post by Amit over at Super Affiliate Mindset where he talks about what he calls the "history factor" for Adwords. Here's the link: Adwords Question From a Reader | Super Affiliate Mindset What do all of you think about this? I've never read anything...
  16. kjb1891

    Centering For All Browsers And Resolutions?

    This probably seems like an easy question for most of you, but I can't get it to work right. How can you center align a webpage for every browser and screen resolution?
  17. kjb1891

    What Would This Do?

    I was just watching a video about a couple PPC software programs, and during the video the guy says he put "&word={KeyWord}" in his affiliate URL for dynamic keyword insertion. What's the reasons for doing this exactly? Does it increase your QS if the keyword is in the URL or does it change the...
  18. kjb1891

    When And How Often Does CJ Pay?

    When and how often does CJ pay their affiliates? I was thinking of joining, and I couldn't find it anywhere on their site.
  19. kjb1891

    [url=]Heay there[/url]

    Is This Possible? I know that this is probably impossible, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask all of the geniuses here at WF anyway. :) Does anyone know any possible way to make a message board forum title into a different link? For example, when you clicked on the title of this post "Is...
  20. kjb1891

    Good Affiliate Marketing Blogs

    What affiliate marketing blogs do you guys read on a regular basis?