Search results

  1. kjb1891

    PHP Script For Getting Users Screen Resolution?

    Does anyone know a PHP script for getting a users screen resolution?
  2. kjb1891

    Which Link Will The SE's Count?

    If there's two or more links on the same page pointing to the same URL which link will the search engines count for anchor text and link juice? The first link on the page?
  3. kjb1891

    PHP Referrer Redirects

    I was wanting to have a page where if a visitor comes from a certain referrer it would redirect to another site, but if the visitor comes from any other referrer the page would load as normal. The one caveat though is that if I redirect a visitor I want to strip the referrer info when...
  4. kjb1891

    The Google Keyword Tool Has Changed

    Did anyone notice that the Google keyword tool no longer shows a green bar for the average search volume anymore? It shows an actual estimated number of monthly searches now. I have no idea how accurate it is, but at least it gives you a better way to see the relative difference in search demand...
  5. kjb1891

    Any Way To Cut Off URL Query Strings?

    Is there a way to cut query strings off of URLs when they're displayed? For example: -->
  6. kjb1891

    Do You Target A Specific Position On The Content Network?

    I've done very little testing on the Adwords content network so far. So, I was wondering if many of you target a specific position like a lot of people tend to do for the search network?
  7. kjb1891

    What's The Best Keyword Tool For This Situation?

    OK, most of you know that Google has said that about 20-30% of their searches everyday are brand new search queries that they've never had before. So, that got me to wondering which keyword tool has the absolutely most up to date data to find new keywords before the competition does?
  8. kjb1891

    Each Keyword Match Type In Seperate Ad Groups

    Most people say to always split up each one of your PPC keywords into their own ad groups, but what about splitting up each match type of each keyword into their ad groups? It crossed my mind because I will notice that the different match types of the same keyword can have drastically different...
  9. kjb1891

    PPC Ad Scheduling Dilemma

    I've got a campaign that I've been running for about a month now, and so far I've only been running it from noon to midnight using ad scheduling. I've got a good CTR and positive ROI and was thinking of running the campaign 24 hours a day now to get more impressions and clicks. Now Google...
  10. kjb1891

    What Is A Cycle Site?

    What is a "cycle site"? I've seen this term used a couple times but I can't find much info about what it is. Anyone know much about it or know a good source of info about it?
  11. kjb1891

    How Often Do You Adjust Your PPC Bids?

    How often do most of you adjust your bids in your PPC campaigns? I've always adjusted them daily, but I'm starting to wonder whether I should change them less often. Maybe weekly?
  12. kjb1891

    Using Ultra Longtail KWs For PPC

    Do any of you use really longtail keywords for your PPC campaigns at all? For example, if you see keywords in Google's keyword tool that basically shows no demand or even keywords that don't even show up? I've personally never used the ultra long tails but since Google came out not too long ago...
  13. kjb1891

    Great Exact Match Keyword Domain For Sale

    I've got for sale. It's the next game in the Guitar Hero series that doesn't come out until June. I originally was going to develop the site, but I have too many damn projects going on as it is. PM me with any offers. I won't be by my computer for a little while(12-24...
  14. kjb1891

    Do NOINDEX Pages Pass Link Weight?

    Do pages with the NOINDEX meta tag still get crawled and pass link weight?
  15. kjb1891

    Image Ads On Adwords Content Network

    Has anyone had any success running image ads on a keyword targeted Adwords content network campaign before? I've never tried them myself. I've always just used the text ads. I haven't seen many people talking about this before. So, that's why I'm asking.
  16. kjb1891

    Differences Between Adwords, YSM, & Adcenter

    I've only used Adwords for my PPC marketing up until now, and I'm planning on expanding to YSM and Adcenter pretty soon. I was just wondering what the major differences are between the three in your experiences?
  17. kjb1891

    Targetting Longtail Keywords For SEO

    Does anyone know of a good way to target low competition longtail keywords for SEO? Can you simply have the keyword on the page and/or have just one inbound link with that keyword phrase as the anchor text and rank for it? I'm just wondering becuase I've always targetted more moderate...
  18. kjb1891

    Becoming An Amazon Merchant?

    Has anyone ever thought about becoming an Amazon merchant and actually selling items at all or know someone who has? Are there any big downfalls at all? I have a buddy who can get some good products at wholesale prices so I thought that this would be a good route to go about selling them on...
  19. kjb1891

    PHP Date For Displaying The Current Date?

    Anyone know of a PHP script that will display the current date?
  20. kjb1891

    Sweet Adwords/Analytics Trick

    Hey everyone. I just came across a pretty neat trick for tracking your Adwords data in Analytics better. Check it out: NUDE: AdWords Keyword Data Exposed With Google Analytics! | Apollo SEM