Search results

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    240$ looksmart coupon

    F0307PP expires 3/15/07 enjoy
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    the power of positivity

    In the last few years I've been really hardcore into self-improvement. I gotta say that one most important thing ever is the power of positivity. And harnessing your true essence, rather than ego. The problem with ego is that ego is not true you, it is logical construct of why you should be...
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    quick, effective and selling landing pages

    Ok, so I suppose everyone faces this problem: how to design landing pages quickly to test offers. Let's brainstorm some ideas together and everyone throw in ideas that they have. I think there are basically two ways to do this: have one template (such as blog) and use it for all offers...
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    Hey guys Has anyone here actually made profit with adwords? Because I've only lost money with them.
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    personal discipline

    How do you guys discipline yourself to get the routine work done? I mean are there any techniques that you use or some sort of process that basically lets you stay organized and on track? What times do you work and how many hours per day do you work? Like do you guys have set number of hours...
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    argh motivation is low

    I've been trying some things here and there and quite a bit of stuff failed. In fact almost everything failed and I lost money. So I'm kind of feeling a bit down. Like can't find motivation to keep pushing further and keep testing. So... the big question is how can I bring motivation back? How...
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    thank you for smoking

    watch that movie it's awesome :rasta:
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    2-nd and 3-rd tier PPC engines

    Hey guys What are some other PPC engines with relatively low fraud besides 7search and looksmart?
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    fucking google

    don't matter what I do min bids 5-30 cents :xomunch: gonna get 20 accounts and test the shit out of crap til I get those bids to min 1 cent
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    that's some good shit
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    are people really making money?

    Hey guys what are your stats like? I mean actual profit? Mine's closer to 450$ this month lol
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    do big mfa players cloak their pages to fool quality bots?
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    folder name into html body

    hey guys how do I insert name of the folder into html with php? thanks!
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    fuck this is frustrating

    how do you guys make money shit this month I made a whopping 400$ profit so far. Ballin'... shit's so frustrating it seems like 99% of what I try ends up in total failure and I lose chunks of money. these fuckers need to start buying/clicking
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    european women

    not only they are hot, they are also much friendlier and the best part is when you say you're from US'n'A, then become even frendlier ;) I LIIIKE
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    geo targeting for arbi

    what countries do you guys target?
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    ok so I've been doing this affiliate marketing and one thing I realized is that there is a tremendous amount of boring, routine, copy/paste work. I have add/adhd and it's unbearably hard to do this monkey work, have any of you with adhd tried adderall for this monkey work? did it help? i'm...
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    fucking budwiser

    fucking piss ass beer piece of shit waste of money
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    bad arbi day

    is anyone else having a bad arbi day? traffic to shit, ROI is fucked