Search results

  1. I

    How to make a few billion dollars?

    Post here or even better in private message, step-by-step, I will give you the cut after I make it
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    What's the current sitrep in affiliate marketing?

    Hey guys, Have been gone for years from affiliate marketing, noticing that adwords is banning people left and right now? What's up with that, what are the reasons? What traffic sources are relevant at the moment besides adwords, msn, yahoo?
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    Do you know what success is?

    Success = being persistent, as to allow the opportunity to meet your preparedness, while discarding that which does not work in a timely manner. Success = intent to make money + outcome independence. And buying working data through trying. Most billionaires failed more than they succeeded, but...
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    Wow I'm back...

    It's been like 3 years since I've done any online marketing... Today I woke up and for some reason remembered it all... and decided I want to get back into it. Meanwhile I've started my own off-line business and it's made 6 figures this year. Now I'm back and I'm coming from a totally...
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    msn rejecting lots of keywords

    What's the deal with them rejecting a lot of keywords? How do you guys get em in?
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    love to manage, hate to build/create

    Does anyone have this problem? I love to manage my existing campaigns, go over them many times, evaluate. However, I hate building new shit. Especially landing pages UGH.... Can anyone relate?
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    Ok I'm in deep shit

    Ok guys. Here's the thing. All my playing around with businesses landed me into some hardcore debt. It's pretty bad, but not the end of the world. As of now I'm making about 1k a month profit, but this is barely enough to scrape by and pay bills and interest on debt (live in a shack with...
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    adwords and minimum 10$ bids on almost a year old campaign

    The g$$gle is at it again. One of my campaigns that's been running profitably for almost a year has been hit with 10$ min bids all of a sudden. Does anyone know if they changed QS algo or something?
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    designing landing pages - help

    My weakest point is landing pages. I just plan suck at design. Shelling out 50-100$ a page just to test an offer seems a bit steep to me. How do you guys quickly and efficiently design landing pages? I kinda do it by hand it might take me a whole day or two to crank out one landing page, if...
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    data samples and bid adjustments

    Say you have a keywords that was performing good one month Next month it falls outside the positive ROI How soon should you adjust the bid to keep positive ROI and based on what data sample?
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    individual domains vs one-fit-all domain for aff marketing

    I've been faced with a dillema - buy a domain to test an offer out and be out of 10$ in case it flops or use one-fit-all type of website with some generic name that is neutral. Any advice on this guys?
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    yahoo analytics

    is anyone else having difficulty getting it to work? how exactly should it be implemented?
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    advertising costs and taxes

    Should they be filed under business expenses on schedule C? or an it be filed as expenses with 1040?
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    tax question

    Say someone deposits 100$ dollars into my bank to go and buy something for them, do I have to report this 100$ to IRS? What if a close family member deposits 100$ into your bank account, is this considered to be an income?
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    split testing landing pages

    Hey guys How do you split-test landing pages?
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    tracking referring keywords

    what are some solutions I can install to track referring keywords? i can't use webalizer cuz I'm on shared hosting
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    EIN and SSN

    Ok this is my first year with EIN and I'm in need of some clarification: do you have to file EIN and SSN separately? (both are on my name) are EIN and SSN considered to be the single entity if they are both on one name? are there any issues with deductions (if EIN and SSN have to be filed...
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    motivate yourself

    inch by inch, play by play YouTube - Any Given Sunday - Peace by Inches - Pacino
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    could shoemoney be full of it?

    John Vanhara’s Blog » Is Jeremy Shoemaker a.k.a. SHOEMONEY scam? I found this to be an interesting read. You decide. Especially after recent chrislingle incident, this just got me thinking - who's real online and who is full of shit poser? Seems like you really have to know who you trust nowadays.
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    beating g$$gle quality score BS

    Ok I'm tired of g$$gle's complete vagueness and keeping people guessing. Here's what you do to get bids under 5 cents. Do all the standard stuff (privacy policy, some links, couple of sub-pages, etc) Have keyword or keyphrase inserted dynamically into the AD with {KeyWord} feature, and have...