Search results

  1. Davros

    Bullshit SEO Experts

    This has been mentioned before but I really, REALLY feel the need to rant a bit. What the fuck is it with bloody SEO "experts"? I'm not entirely sure what it's like in the US, but in the UK these so-called experts seem to be charging people through the arse for very average stuff. Case in...
  2. Davros

    Top Affiliate Challenge Is Better Than Affiliate Summit

    So speaketh Shitmonkey. What an absolute moron - it's one thing to be a sore loser about being part of a shit show, it's entirely another thing to go criticising a guy who busts his balls to put on decent conferences (Shawn Collins). To think I was once though Shoemoney had some class. :repuke:
  3. Davros

    Ebook Peddlers Make A Film

    If you thought Shoemoney taking part in some crappy affiliate contest was bad, this is about 100 times worse. The guys behind Stompernet are making a film - Kerberos.
  4. Davros


    I don't know how the hell I managed to find this, but I really wish that I hadn't. YouTube - I'm A Warrior Fucking weirdo.
  5. Davros

    Ebay Bans Ebooks (Sort Of)

    March 2008 You never know - this might be the beginning of the end for the Warrior Forum (I doubt it, unfortunately).