Search results

  1. L

    Late Christmas Cheques in the UK

    Any of you UK dickrollers still not received your cheques? Mine were supposed to be sent out on the 15th of december, they usually arrive on the 20th. However I still havn't got mine... Anybody else in this position? is it just christmas mail delays? or am I fuked
  2. L

    how sustainable is your income?

    I am particulary interested in guys doing over 100$ a day, closer to the 1000$ mark, through whitehatm paid traffic (media buys, ppc, ppv). how do you view your income and the skills you have while doing affiliate marketing? Do you see yourself being set for life? ie you know enough to adjust...
  3. L

    Russian affiliate networks

    I am looking for russian speaking, russian traffic(ukraine, russia, belarus, etc) affiliate and CPA networks. Also russian speaking forums on affiliate marketing and CPA. Wondering if you guys could help me out.!
  4. L

    Whenever I Go to Warrior Forums

    I feel like I have gone back to the 80s or 90s. DO any of those people actually make money outside of the make money online niche? It's very ironic.......
  5. L

    Promoting dating offers

    Hey guys I've never done dating before, but found a great little offer that I can't just pass by. I have a few little ideas brewing right now but really wanted to see what people's experience was on this. Which things should I avoid, Which things have been known to work, etc etc. I also heard...