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  1. S

    Tracking Facebook Fan Page Traffic

    Hey guys, Is there any tool that will allow me track individual Facebook fan page traffic instead of just Facebook as the referrer? I'm trying to work out how much each fanpage is sending without the additional sharing that the content generates. I'm currently using Bitly. :rainfro:
  2. S

    Mass Email

    Hey, Does anyone know if its illegal to send a mass email asking businesses to sign up for a directory. The emails would be scraped from a site like elance etc. Would appreciate someones knowledge in the area. My thoughts are Can Spam has knocked all this out?
  3. S

    Sydants Journal

    Hey Guys, Recently I've started my journey into the world of trying to create a living online in the world of IM so I thought I'd share instead of just sucking the juice out of the wise without any giving on WF. Background: I toyed around with a site for fun around a year ago with some...
  4. S

    Newbie's Journal To IM

    Hey Guys, Recently I've started my journey into the world of trying to create a living online in the world of IM so I thought I'd share instead of just sucking the juice out of the wise without any giving on WF. Background: I toyed around with a site for fun around a year ago with some little...
  5. S

    Facebook Advertising Question

    Hey guys, I've recently started my own 'big brand blog' thanks to CCarter and Tavin. It's going well so far but I was thinking if anyone could give me some more info with facebook marketing as I've never used it. I was wondering - What is the lowest viable cpl if I was trying to build a...