Search results

  1. N

    Systemizer - browser automation system

    Hey all, Just thought I'd post an update on my browser automation system (part of It's been running for over a month now with no crashes and lots of automation testing, so it seems pretty stable. Nevertheless, I'm not charging for it at this point, so feel free to sign...
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    Need some alpha testers for my hosted browser automation/scraping system

    In 2012 I periodically spoke about what I'm working on in this thread. Now, I'm planning on turning on an early version for a few people to try out, as some feedback and real world testing is needed. I can't charge for this if it crashes, chews up too much memory, behaves strangely or craps out...
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    Automated Deployment & Continuous Integration

    I don't know if this post is meant to educate so much as to allow me to feel smug and self-satisfied about setting up a nice automated deployment scenario, but maybe it will give some of you some ideas if you're not doing this sort of thing already. I've set myself up a really cool continuous...
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    Keeping organised with Asana

    I'm using Asana to manage my project development. Asana is free and really nice (and fast!). It's essentially a glorified to-do list manager but has some handy features such as due dates, team collaboration, commenting, daily email notifications, etc. I think one of the main reasons I like it so...
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    Oook, so I've decided to do some freelance work

    I'm looking for some extra cash, and given that my big moneymakers are still incubating, I'm reaching out wherever I can. I've been coding and designing for around 15 years. I do both front end and back end and specialise in .Net (C#) and node.js on the back end and any standard front end...
  6. N

    Anyone using node.js?

    I'm building a site in node.js (node.js) right now and am loving it! Extremely fast and super bare bones so there's no under-the-hood surprises that you'd get dealing with a complex CMS, and you can run additional stuff alongside your site, like processing reports, running cron jobs or whatever...
  7. N

    Headless browsers for scraping

    Hey, thought I'd point you guys at an answer I posted at StackOverflow a while back, containing a list of headless browsers for various different languages. Might help you if you're getting started with scraping. automation - headless internet browser? - Stack Overflow
  8. N

    Paralysed with indecision

    Hey just wanted to get you guys thoughts on something. Since I've mainly written small tools for marketers and recently I've been building this whole automation API system I'm working on, it has occurred to me that because I'm essentially a relatively inexperienced (at least in practical terms)...
  9. N

    How disciplined are you with unit testing?

    I've been coding a long time (over 10 years) but it's only in the last few that I've really had much exposure to unit testing and only recently that I've been forcing myself to apply self-discipline and make sure I do it. I'm not all the way there yet, but am getting better at doing it...
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    I'm developing a dedicated web-based automation API

    I'm developing a full-featured automation API for you guys and anyone else who wants to use it. It's a full web-based REST API with the ability to store and run your own scripts, proxies, CAPTCHA details and so forth. Scripting provides access to a modern Chrome browser implementation with...
  12. N

    Need some advice

    Hey guys, Before I get to the point of the post, I can automate almost anything and wrote an automation product a couple of years ago, as well as having been involved in numerous automation projects ever since then. I've written a couple of personal frameworks for streamlining various web...
  13. N

    Google and rate limiting

    I've found that when scraping data from Google, they use fancy rate limiting algorithms that ban your IP address in progressively-increasing intervals the more you violate their rate limits. To avoid hitting the rate limits (or at least to make it more efficient), I rotate proxies in and out of...
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    Can you provide reliable large scale scraping, long term?

    I need to set up a deal with someone who can reliably provide scraped data. I do not care how the data is obtained (don't ask, don't tell) - I just care that it can be acquired reliably and that the arrangement can be made long term. The sorts of data I want will include PageRank, backlink...
  15. N

    Anyone had an experience affiliate marketing in the Photoshop niche?

    I have a site that gets ~200-300 UV per day in Photoshop niche and have had trouble trying to monetize it. I'm stuck trying to figure out if I should sell the site or go and fully develop the community aspect of it. There seems to be a few affiliate products out there but I don't know if they...
  16. N

    Here's a video of my software (Traffic Android)

    Hey people. I was discussing my upcoming software with some of you a short while ago. It just so happens that I whipped up a video for an affiliate, and I thought some of you might be interested, so here it is: Let me know if you have any thoughts...
  17. N

    I am a product developer - what is the etiquette here?

    Hi, I'm a product developer primarily, and affiliate marketer on a secondary level. I have a new link building software product due for release next month and was wondering what the etiquette is here with respect to mentioning stuff like this, particularly for new members? Naturally I want to...