Search results

  1. N

    Microsoft Contextual Ads Finally On

    I just noticed that Microsofts contextual ads are finally on on the right hand sidebar. This is like 2 months after they announced they'd be ditching AdSense go to with Microsoft exclusively. Are you guys also seeing them? What do you think? For me, the ads are so shitty. Not very well...
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    Anyone Actually Like Clickbank?

    I've never used Clickbank and I think that they have some weird offers up on their network that look super sketchy, but I was wondering if anyone here actually uses them and likes them? Your opinion is appreciated!
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    Making Money Off Facebook

    Unless you're old or have been living under a rock you should know that Facebook is the shit right now. Everyone's talking about it and everyone's starting to use it now. Ever since they launched their applications API I've been really interested into how people are going to monetize Facebook...
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    How To Bill For SEO/Link Building/PPC Management

    I've never really done consulting before so I'm new to the whole concept and I'm a little confused about what and how I should charge this client. I'll be doing various things for them, including: link building, SEO, PPC campaign management, managing their affiliate programs, content creation...
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    YPN Is A Piece Of Shit

    So YPN ads have been down since early last night, are still down, and according to a few people on DP who spoke to Yahoo customer service, are going to be down until Monday when an engineer can look at the issue. MONDAY!!!!! A whole day+ of downtime is totally unacceptable. Even 12+ hours...
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    Miami Strip Clubs

    What's up with Miami strip clubs? Do they have those contact lap dance ones down there like they do in Tampa? I wish I was down there for ASE right now.
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    Those Really Good New Thumbplay Creatives

    What's up with those really good Thumbplay flash creatives that are only on the big ad networks right now, like Right Media. I'm sure you ringtone guys have noticed them on sites before. They play songs and have a playlist of ringtones and all that stuff that probably helps them convert. Any...
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    WTF Is Up With Kontera?

    Their reporting has been down for 3 fucking days now. I want to see my stats and money earned damn it!!
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    Bounce Rate Question?

    If you visit a site and they have a form on their index page that you fill out and then submit, and the site submits the form and brings you back to the index page, is that counted as leaving the page? I have a bunch of sites that I setup like this, but I'm wondering if my bounce rate is going...
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    AdLogger Settings. Max Allowed Clicks?

    What do you guys set as the maximum number of allowed clicks in x amount of hours with AdLogger? Right now I'm allowing a max of 5 clicks every 2 hours. Is that too low?
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    What Do You Think Of Kontera?

    Anyone using Kontera? I just found out about them the other day and got all setup with them today. Gonna give them a week or so of testing to see how it goes. I personally find their type of contextual advertising a little annoying but I want to see how it goes. Also, I'm obviously using...
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    Getting In The Mortgage Vertical

    What do you guys think of the mortgage niche right about now? I've been looking at it for a while, but I think I should just bite the bullet and jump in and see how it goes for a while. Do you guys who mortgage stuff do white label sites and then sell the leads to a few different companies or...
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    AdSense Arbitrage Ending June 1!?

    Jensense just posted an entry that AdSense publishers mainly doing arbitrage have been getting emails that their accounts are going to be closed down on June 1st! Wow! Really shitty. Googles REALLY cracking down. I bet this is gonna kill a lot of people on here since this is like the arbitrage...
  14. N

    My List Of Ringtone Offers And Payouts From 5 Different Affiliate Networks

    I was sick of going back to different affiliate sites and logging in to see all the available ringtone offers and their payouts. So I decided to put this list together. I figured a lot of other people would find it useful as well, especially if your not part of these affiliate networks, and were...
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    Recording Your Visitors Sessions On Your Landing Pages

    Has anyone checked out yet? They record your users sessions on your web page and let you play them back so you can see exactly what your users are mousing over, clicking, browsing, etc. It's looks pretty sick for affiliate landing pages. I checked them out and put their code on...
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    Best CPM Networks?

    I've never messed with CPM networks before, so I'm really clueless here. Can anyone give me some recommendations as to what are the better CPM companies?
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    Is This Against The Adsense TOS (Yet)??

    Is something like this, using an image with shadows in the background, against the Adsense and YPN ToS yet?
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    So Who Does Blackhat Affiliate Stuff Thru MySpace?

    I'm sure tons of people here do "Blackhat" affilate stuff through MySpace so you know what I'm talking about here. If you look at recent comment spam there are two new techniques that I think are pretty smart! First off, if you look at a lot of recent comment spam, people somehow figured out...
  19. N

    Affiliate Summit West Passes?

    Sooo...does anyone know of any other contests or ways to get free Affiliate Summit West passes? I'd really like to go but don't have the money for the passes, so I'm trying to scrouge around and see if I can somehow get lucky!
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    Third Tier Arbitrage With YPN

    Is it sketchy using YPN on arbitrage sites that your going to be getting traffic from sites like 7search, Adbrite, Looksmart, 123search, etc? I know Yahoo's anal about international traffic and I'm not sure exactly which of these providers, if any, allow geo targeting. Anyone have their YPN...