Search results

  1. N

    DoubleClick Performics ConnectCommerce

    Maybe it's me, but I thought Performics ConnectCommerce affiliate network was going to be a lot better than it turns out to be. There are some big name advertisers, but it seems like the payouts suck. Sort of like Apple, how they give around 1% of the sale price. Bummer.
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    I Need A VPS. Who To Use?

    I need a VPS. Who should I look into? So far I've looked at Godaddy, 1&1, and VPSLink.
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    Hilarious "Web Hosting/Search Engine/SEO" Telemarketing Phone Call

    I just got an awesome call while I happened to be surfing Wickedfire at work. It made my day basically and thought a lot of members would find it just as funny as I did. I just wish I had more fun with the guy. I should try to get the guys number off the caller id so I can post it here and we...
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    Affiliate Networks Need DIY Conversion Tracking

    Does anyone else feel like the last feature that all the affiliate networks are missing is the ability to add your conversion tracking code, from Yahoo or AdWords or wherever, to their system on your own? I hate emailing or calling all my affiliate managers to add my conversion tracking pixels...
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    Azoogle For Facebook Apps?

    I just noticed this on today. Wasn't there yesterday AFAIK. Make money from your Facebook Applications with AzoogleAds WTF's this all about?
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    Neverblue's Postback URL Service

    Damn, Neverblue's new Postback URL service looks pretty dope for tracking coversions! Anyone using it yet?
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    Shoemoney Advertising Facebook Ads

    What's up with advertising Facebook Ads for the past 5 days or so? It seems like a lot of his visitors would be into the Facebook ad platform...until they test it and find out how fucked it can be. I bet he got paid a nice chunk of change for that though. Any other affiliate blogs...
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    Debugging Why Stuff Works In Firefox But Not IE

    Are there any tools out there to help you debug design issues with IE6 or IE7? Every time I make something it looks great in Safari/Firefox but some weird thing is always wrong in IE6 or IE7. I've Googled around but haven't come up with much. Thanks in advance for any help!
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    Big payouts/less volume VS. small payouts/large volume

    Do you like to chase the big payouts (with harder conversions) where your likely to get less volume or go after the smaller payouts (typically easier conversions) which can bring lots of volume?
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    In-Text Contextual Traffic To Promote Affiliate Offers?

    Anyone using in-text contextual ads, from companys like Intellitxt and Kontera, to promote your affiliate offers? It seems like a good way to promote affiliate products and it seems like you could get away without needing a landing page and using direct affiliate links through these guys...
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    Whos Doing Good Landing Page Designs These Days?

    I've used in the past and they did nice work for me but I don't know that I want to drop $135 or whatever it is for a ringtone landing page now. Where are you guys getting landing pages done these days?
  12. N

    What Do You Think Of These Networks?

    I'm looking to setup some offers on these networks as an advertiser and was wondering what you guys have to say about them. I'm looking at Filinet, Incentaclick, Clickbooth and MaxBounty. Thanks for any input guys!
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    Where Are You Staying During Ad Tech NYC?

    So where's everyone staying during Ad Tech NYC next month? The Hilton's already sold out and everything else seems pretty outrageously priced that week. Even Hotel Penn is around $250+ a night and it's a friggin dump and it's not even that close.
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    Turned Down By BOTW?

    How's everyones experience with Best of the Web been? Has anyone ever applied and had their sites turned down from inclusion? I just saw a 15% off coupon code at Shoemoney's site and I'm thinking of submitting one of my text messaging sites.
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    Joost. My New Favorite Application.

    Wow. I really had no idea what Joost was all about at first, but I saw a link to the site and it looked pretty good. I saw that they actually have a Mac version of their 1.0 software, so I downloaded it and installed it. And wow. Wowowow. So cool. I haven't been this impressed with something...
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    Reply Box Is Small Now

    In Firefox the reply box is all small now. It looks weird and sucks to use. Something got messed up.
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    $20K Playboy Suite Party

    One of my friends showed me this blog post about these pro poker players throwing a party at the $20,000 a night Playboy suite at the Palms. 20k Playboy Suite Party Sorta motivated me to get off my ass and make some cash so I can throw parties in places like this!! Wickedfire should rent...
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    Affiliate Networks Are Slow To Accommodate Advertisers

    What's up with affiliate networks being so slow and sometime unresponsive to their advertisers? We want to give you our money, hurry up and take it already!!! I've been working with 4 of the larger affiliate networks recently and it seems like it takes forever to get things going...with all of...
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    So WTF Can You Advertise On Facebook Flyers?

    I'm afraid to advertise shit on Facebook Flyers now after reading the long ass thread about it. But I have some affiliate stuff I wanna advertise. Are they not allowing ANY affiliate stuff at all? Like not even to a content site with ads on it? Are they *that* strict at this point? WTF...
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    Anyone advertise on NeverblueAds or CPA Empire?

    Anyone here have any experience with setting up advertiser campaigns on NeverblueAds or CPA Empire? I need to find some more networks to bring an offer to and I'm thinking of going with these two!