Search results

  1. N

    Freezing In Florida

    It's only 50 something in South Beach right now and that may be warm to some of you but my apartment doesn't have any heat so its pretty lame. WTF is up with this cold weather? It's Florida for fuck sake and I haven't been able to hit the beach in almost 2 weeks now! Where is it warm right now...
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    Who Do You Run Ringtone Traffic Through Now?

    I just realized that I still have a lot of ringtone related traffic that I'm sending to crappy Jamster offers because all the other good offers seemed to have expired on Azoogle.... What offer are you guys running with your ringtone stuff now? Is anyone using the affiliate...
  3. N

    Anyone Not Get Paid By TextLinkAds Today?

    Usually TLA is good but haven't gotten anything thus far for November.....anyone get paid from them yet?
  4. N

    Facebook Reporting Screwed Up?

    Is reporting screwed up for anyone else? I can't select today from the drop down menu and have it display my daily stats anymore. It always displays the stats for the entire time the campaigns have been active. WTF.
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    Anyone Use Recently?

    Has anyone used since they were sold off to this new company? Kevin used to do good work back in the day, before it was sold off for the first time, and I'm wondering if they've stepped it up under the new management.
  6. N

    Amex Gold Card vs. Amex Blue Cash

    Which card do you guys like better for all your expenses? (I don't really spend enough for the Plum Card yet) The 1.5% cash back on the Blue Cash is nice but I just found out that 25,000 points on the Gold Card gets you a free domestic flight on pretty much any airline (JetBlue!) without timing...
  7. N

    Is It Me Or Do Affiliate Networks Employees Change Titles Every Month?

    It seems like every other week I get an email from someone at an affiliate network explaining how they're moving to another department and getting a new title, so I now have so and so as my new point of contact at their company. I've even gotten an email like that from someone and then within...
  8. N

    How To Make Serious Profit Off Facebook

    In two easy steps. First, you need an enticing ad, for an awesome product/service like this, that will get a huge CTR for low low CPCs: Then you need a really good landing page with lots of information and a sleek looking unique design, like this one: Everything else should be self...
  9. N

    Anyone Else Get Burned By The Auto Insurance State Submit Offer?

    Did anyone else notice that the tracking on that auto insurance state submit offer that was out there at the end of September was *completely* fucked after about a week of being up on some networks? Anyone else get burned by it? It was so easy to convert. So I thought it might have just been my...
  10. N

    iPhone/Android Developers?

    Anyone develop for the iPhone or Android? Or does anyone have anyone or any company they can recommend for iPhone or Android App development? Thanks!
  11. N

    Azoogle Mobile Violation Warnings

    Getting emails from Azoogle about my campaigns that are paused is starting to get old. I paused a ringtone campaign something like 2 weeks ago and keep getting emails that my ads are in violation. First off, the campaigns don't show any impressions in YSM, and second, the ad is no where to be...
  12. N

    Thumbplay Artist Restrictions

    Thumbplay is getting crazy these days with their ringtone policies....apparently you can't advertise your links alongside an artists name, image, album cover, things like that without prior consent. Has anyone asked their Azoogle AM for consent on this stuff before?
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    Affiliate Network Software

    I need to setup an in-house affiliate network system for this small website so they can offer a basic affiliate program. Does anyone have any experience with any basic packages that they would either recommend or advise against? Thanks!
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    Passing Artist/Song To Ringtone Offer?

    Are there any ringtone offers on any networks these days that let you pass an artist name or a song title to them and then they generate the landing page? Thanks
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    How's Media Temple's Hosting?

    Anyone using Media Temple's Grid-Service hosting? Never heard of them until now, but they look like a pretty good hosting company.
  16. N

    Finding A Lawyer For Your Internet Business?

    Do you guys rely on a regular business lawyer to handle any questions you have regarding your sites? Or do you look for attorneys that specifically work in the internet law area? I'm in the process of looking for a local attorney to go over all my business stuff with and make sure my...
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    Advanced Web Metrics With Google Analytics Book

    Has anyone seen or read this book yet? I was at Barnes and Nobles and decided to pick it up. Looks like a really good read and I love how its brand spankin' new and up to date with everything. It just came out about a month ago. This is a link to it on Amazon: Advanced Web Metrics...
  18. N

    Best Ringtone Creative (Funny!)

    So I just saw this on some site while downloading a mixtape. Thought it was a pretty hilarious ringtone ad! Definitely the best flash ringtone game yet, so I had to take a screenshot and share it. Whoever came up with this deserves to be making $$$!
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    Google Not Actually Enforcing "New" AdWords Policy?

    WTF? After all the fuss Google's been making I still see some fake display URLs.
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    In-house Affiliate Tracking Systems?

    I was just wondering how many people have developed/had someone else develop their own in-house tracking system? I've been trying to stay away from using analytics software like Google Analytics to track visitors and conversions. If so, anyone care to share any info on how your using your...