Search results

  1. aim

    She's a Facebook Ho

    Can't tell if this is funny or fail. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src=""...
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    Awesome Baseball Pitch

    This is on the front page of digg right now but totally awesome: <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src=""...
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    Performance Marketing Alliance

    I'm always a bit skeptical when I see things like this... Performance Marketing Alliance This necessary? Does it have a place in the industry? What potential positives / negatives can come from it? Honestly I couldn't give a shit but wickedfire is a bit slow and I'm sick of working so...
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    Snoop Dogg Goes Country

    I actually don't think this is a joke. YouTube - Snoop Dogg - My Medicine: MTV Version, Closed Captioned (embedding disabled by Universal)
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    Word Association

    Here's how it works. You reply with the first word (or short phrase) that you thought of after reading the current word. Does not need to be affiliate marketing related. DO NOT respond with a sentence DO NOT respond with a question Just reply with the first thing that comes to mind...
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    WickedFire is Dying...

    ...Lack of quality posts as of late and Alexa told me so.
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    Was researching a potential niche. Found this site (completely unrelated to what I was researching). I'm speechless. -> Zoophilia Lot of fucked up people out there. wow.
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    PPC Management Software?

    I'm looking for a good PPC Management Application; currently three I'm currently looking at: Online Advertising Made Simple | acquisio SEARCH :: The PPC Management Software You've Been Searching For Welcome to Marin Software Anyone have good / bad experiences with any of these...
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    Animated Graffiti

    <object width="400" height="300"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"...
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    Anyone Buying THK?

    So, Think Partnership (Kowabunga) stock has been tanking in recent months. THK - Think Partnership Inc. - Google Finance Take a look at the 1yr history. This is the company that owns PrimaryAds, a fairly popular affiliate network. The company was trading at roughly $3.00/share this time...
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    Domain Name Registration: Who's Banking?

    This came up in a conversation with a friend, and I didn't know the answer. I'm trying to get a better understanding of the domain name registration eco-system, perhaps somebody familiar with this process can chime in. When you register a domain with an "ICANN-Accredited Registrar" there...
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    Libertarians FTW!

    Forget Democrats, Forget Republicans, Ron Paul had it right! "Mike Gravel up in this O, watch him crank and watch him roll.... " <object height="355" width="425"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="355"...
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    MySpace Wins $230M Anti-Spam judgement

    The Associated Press: MySpace wins $230 million anti-spam judgment The worst part about it is that they only made $500k off the scheme.
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    #000000 Power.

    So I was at a conference yesterday and this black guy was walking around wearing a shirt that said: #000000 Power. I thought it was hilarious and I told him it was pretty witty, but I wondered if anyone could ever get away with a shirt saying #FFFFFF Power... That's all.
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    Wanna see my AdWords account?

    ...then help me present this Saturday at MinneBar. I'm looking for someone else from the Twin Cities to co-pilot a seminar with me: From Programming to Profit: Skills To Pay The Bills Derrick Shields (WebproLeads) Talented web developers and designers are often continually spinning their...
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    My friend committed suicide...

    My friend and colleague committed suicide. He ran this company: Darwin Design Labs: Evolving Design. We have been friends and have worked on projects together for a long time. It's a horrible feeling. He was a great person and one of the best web designers in the Minneapolis area. Taught...
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    He's sick of buying $49 books!

    Spend the next four minutes watching this video. You will not regret it. <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=""...
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    Drug War Trailer

    I guess even Ron Paul makes an appearance. I'm seeing it for sure. YouTube - Drug War film trailer #1
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    Thinking Like A Successful Affiliate: Part 1

    Staying on track from my affiliate bitch posts, it's time to talk about real strategies to help guarantee success in this game. The key differences that makes successful internet marketers stand out from the crowd are their ability to: 1. Think Creatively 2. Think Outside of the box 3. Have...
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    Why affiliates are the bitch of the industry: Part 2

    In response to Part 1. Before we get into specific marketing techniques, I wanted to do another post to re-clarify the notion that affiliates really are handicapped from the beginning. Let's take a moment to discuss the dynamics of the advertiser - network - affiliate relationship in greater...