Search results

  1. montydad5000

    Ology Media - SCAM

    This is not an affiliate marketing question, but instead a question about an ad network. Ology Media's been paying me pretty high CPM rates since we generate a shitload of traffic. They currently owe me about $15K and last week no one was returning my calls. Today, their main number just goes...
  2. montydad5000

    Running My Own Interstitial Ads

    So my site is now getting 30,000 - 50,000 hits per day and I'm running some ValueClick interstitial ads in between pages. I figure, why do that for pennies a day when I could direct people to my own zip submit offers instead? But how does one do that? Does anyone know of a code you can use to...
  3. montydad5000

    Ditching CPM for Affiliate Income

    So here's the deal. My website / blog is now getting over 350,000 page views per month. I'm currently running CPM ads through, Technorati Media, etc. At most, I'm getting $0.50 - $1.50 CPM. So I'm thinking instead of making peanuts, I should run some CPA offers that will...
  4. montydad5000

    Need a Press Release Written and Distributed

    Can anyone with more than 50 posts here recommend someone reliable to write a press release and distribute? I've searched through the forum and most people offering this service either didn't follow through or have been banned. Please reply or PM with recommendations. Thanks. :bigear:
  5. montydad5000

    @bacch39 - Response to Your PM

    Matt, Thanks for the PM. Since you have elected NOT to receive PM's here on the board, I can't respond to you. You might want to change that before asking questions in your PM and not providing any other way to respond. :jester: To answer your question, I'm already signed up with COPEAC...
  6. montydad5000

    Fast Domain Flipper Makes $35,000 on George W. Bush

    Yeah, I know, two in one day...but SHIT! Why didn't I check the dropped domains today?????? Fast Domain Flipper Makes $35K on Bush Library URL | Monty's Mega Marketing
  7. montydad5000

    World's Greatest T.V. Commercial

    I'll take one please (sorry for the link to my blog, it's just easier)... World's Best Television Commercial | Monty's Mega Marketing
  8. montydad5000

    So I Got Laid Off Today

    Yep. Not much more to say about it. I was in mortgage. End of story. Luckily, I'm making at least a part-time income online. Time to kick it into high gear. The job market sucks anyway so this will be good motivation to get my ass going.
  9. montydad5000

    Nice Interview, Smaxor

    Just read the whole thing over at you-know-where. Nice job. I actually found it to be pretty informative. :D
  10. montydad5000

    Verizon Sucks

    Just some friendly advice based on my experience. Take it or don't. We were going to leave Comcast because Verizon was offering FIOS and multi-room DVR. They wound up accidentally severing our cable and invisible dog fence and leaving us in the Stone Age. Read about it here. Avoid them like...
  11. montydad5000

    eBay Is Now eBoogle?

    eBay, thy name is Google... "As part of our ongoing effort to reward our best marketing partners and promote trusted commerce on eBay, we are implementing a new pricing structure for Active Confirmed Registered User (ACRU) compensation. The new pricing scheme is based on quality, instead of...
  12. montydad5000

    Rethinking My CPA Strategy

    OK, so good news first... I've got two sites that are now ranking really well. One is #4 out of about 9,000,000 on Yahoo for one of KW I was targetting and my Ezine article ranks on the second page of Google. The other site is also ranking #4 - #8 on Yahoo out of about 12,000,000 -...
  13. montydad5000

    Local Niche Website

    So as I mentioned in my other thread, I have this great idea for a local niche to crush here in my town (a la the "How to make $200K in a year" post) My question is this...when deciding on a domain name, should I use the name of my town in it? So, if I lived in Atlanta (I don't) and I was...
  14. montydad5000

    Time to Kick Ass

    I posted this as a reply to another thread and thought I would paste it here as a new post. Why? Because I need the fucking motivation so deal with it. It's time to stop spinning my wheels and start banking some coin. I frequently hang out at two other places. Where has it gotten me? Well...
  15. montydad5000

    Got Cheap Clicks - Now What?

    OK, after several months of testing out ringtones...yes ringtones...I have finally figured out how to get cheap clicks. I am consistently getting clicks at around $0.10 a click on my ringtones ad. At the moment, I'm just using an html redirect code to go straight to the offer. I've gotten...
  16. montydad5000

    Help w/ PHP Please

    I just downloaded this "Ringtone Shop" program. It is a php-based 'plug & play' program. I am fairly new to php and don't know my ass from my elbow when dealing with this stuff. On the main page, the text is wrapping in a very strange way. Can anyone tell me why MY text here... Ringtones...
  17. montydad5000

    Best of AM Forum

    OK, I told you guys a couple of days ago that I am avoiding the nooB, asshat mistakes so I am going back and reading EVERY thread in this AM forum. I end up laughing my ass off as often as I learn something. So basically it's laugh my ass off, learn something, laugh my ass off, learn...
  18. montydad5000

    Ebenezer nooB

    Hey, all. I have to say...I cannot BELIEVE that I just found this place last week. I have been on my 'web-monetizing' quest for about 6 months but I've apparently been looking for love in all the wrong places (wrong forums). Rather than bug you with dumbass questions, I have gone back to the...