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  1. matrics

    Made some WH / BH userbars: check out my sig

    What the title says: check out the new White hat and black hat userbars I made ;) Feel free to use them. BTW, I also have a few WoW userbars here: Stay tuned, more to come.
  2. matrics

    Speaking of World of warcraft

    I just came across this video. <sarcasm>Who would've guessed there's a WoW nude patch</sarcasm> Hmm... combining the two average WoW user's favourite past-times (wow and porn). Disturbing, to say the least... Check out this video: (NSFW :moon:)
  3. matrics

    Check out this highway patrol video This is unbelievable - I know, it's pure coincidence, but FUCK, Man!!!
  4. matrics

    Where can I find this type of advertiser:

    Right, so I'm thinking of starting a podcast on a subject, but I was wondering if anyone knows of a place where I could find "sponsors", sort of a marketplace for podcast advertising. This isn't the best category to post this in, I know, I know...
  5. matrics

    Question about google ad placement

    Right, I don't know if I should have posted this in the design & development section, but it's kind of noob-ish, so here goes: I'd like to redo the positioning of my google ads on my website The thing is, I'd like to place them under some of the newsposts, but because of...