Search results

  1. AskDebz

    I Need A Good Writer

    I have had a large order come in for some gambling articles. It is eventually going to be 60 x 1400 word articles. I am not going to have time to do them all myself so would like to offer the chance to some of you guys to do some writing for me. Its only paying 1c a word, but you can bid for as...
  2. AskDebz

    5 Pre Written Health Articles For Sale (Failed Order!)

    Hi Guys I have written 5 articles all under the helath niche for some one who hasnt come back to me. They're long, informative articles and so it would be asham for them to go to waste. Articles Are: Anxiety Symptoms - 909 words = $9 Arthritis Symptoms - 768 words - $7 Asthma Symptoms - 689...
  3. AskDebz

    Last Minute Special Offer!

    Hi Guys I need some cash in quick (bloody bills!!!) so offering some very cheap services for the next day or so! Squidoo Lenses - $10 (order more than 10 and I'll do a discount!) Press Releases - $10 (order more than 10 and I'll do a discount!) 500 word articles - $4.50 (Order more than 10 and...
  4. AskDebz

    Squidoo Lens Health Check - Get The Traffic Your Lens Deserves!

    Do you have A Squidoo Lens? Has it performed disappointingly? Not getting the traffic and ratings you expected? Everyone knows that Squidoo lenses are a great way to sell products, earn commission and create back links to your websites. However they can only work well if they are built...
  5. AskDebz

    Native English Female Writer For Hire! Article Writing, Squidoo Lenses And More!

    If you are looking for quality content, unique articles & lightening fast turn around then you have come to the right place. Living in Lancashire, England I have over 5 years experience on writing articles online. I offer a great blend of extremely competitive prices, a very quick...
  6. AskDebz

    Sale On My Squidoo Lenses

    For the next 24 hours I am offering a discount on my Squidoo lens creation. Any lenses ordered between now and this time tomorrow will be just $15!!! I will also give discount for bulk orders 1 X Lens - $15 2 X Lens - $29 3 X Lens - $41 4 X Lens - $55 5 X Lens - $65 This is ONLY for lenses...
  7. AskDebz

    Great Link/Squidoo/Article Package for TV/Movie Site Owners!

    Do you own a TV or film Site/Blog? Ask Debz :: Content Creation has come up with a great package that will really help your site get the hits and links it deserves. Having built up a reputation for reliable content creation and squidoo lens design we have decided to pull together our...
  8. AskDebz

    Great Link/Squidoo/Article Package for TV/Movie Site Owners!

    Do you own a TV or film Site/Blog? Ask Debz :: Content Creation has come up with a great package that will really help your site get the hits and links it deserves. Having built up a reputation for reliable content creation and squidoo lens design we have decided to pull together our...
  9. AskDebz

    UK Writer Available (Articles, Squidoo, Hubb Pages & More!)

    Hi I am a UK based content writer currently looking for work. I have been writing for around 5 years, previously building up my client base on other forums. I can do articles, blog posts, sale pages, press releases as well as squidoo lenses and hubb pages. My rates are very competitive and...