Search results

  1. Dio

    Neteller CEO nicked and share trading suspended...

    I know there's a few affiliates out there in the gaming arena that probably have to put up with using Neteller to get that money in, self included - has anyone spotted the news of the CEO and a major share holder being arrested in USA internet gambling related charges? They've stopped trading...
  2. Dio

    Would You Trust This Fellow To Make You Rich?

    I was doing a look around some nice terms in AdWords, and I spotted this ad that just made me chuckle. I was scammed 37 times These websites are absolute scams I will show you the ones that work Is it just me, or would you have stopped being scammed after one time...
  3. Dio

    Recommend Me A Book (No eBooks Allowed)

    Ok, I know reading anything that isn't an eBook will be alien to many of the WFers out there, but some of us do enjoy a paper read about web related things that aren't necessarily about earning millions on AdSense or MySpace. The last few months I've read some good tech books on stuff from Joel...
  4. Dio

    Six Of The Best For 2006 - Share Yours...

    Thought about doing this one for a while, now with the end of the year due and lists galore about the internet, I'll give it a spin. Basically, in true meme style, pick something from each of the price brackets that you've bought and has given you the most pleasure or come in useful when it...
  5. Dio

    First Attempts At Arbi - Am I Over Complicating Things

    I'm giving arbi a spin at the moment. I have other affiliate and content sites that make a bit (not a lot) from other sources and thought this might interesting to try. I spent the weekend glancing at a few sites and posts and made my first site in about 3 hours (after the template were done)...