Search results

  1. D

    Need somebody who can code landing pages.

    I need a cheap landing page coder. MSN me, or aim me (djsjamesdjs) Thanks, Damien
  2. D

    best rack ever?

    Disregard that, I suck cocks.
  3. D

    possible tm issues, but yeah.
  4. D

    $20 landing page for ringtones (unique, never to be sold again.)

    Want a sexy landing page for ring tones? Don't want to hassle with finding a designer? Buy it now for only $20. Thanks, Damien
  5. D

    Give me your dating affiliate link...

    Because I have a female facebook profile with with a bunch of desperate dudes wanting to talk to me. I will use your link on the profile, if it converts you keep it all. I just want to see if its worth while! :anon.sml:
  6. D

    ownedd - own a friend/or enemy was going to be a project site of mine. Basically I wanted just to target people who knew some internet lingo like noobs, w00t, etc. - So I created owned. It is custom coded and ready to go. I never officially opened it, but I suck at promotion anyways. - year...
  7. D

    Cheap, Sexy Landing Pages ($30)

    Hey guys, I am the new guy here at WF and I recently completed a free job for, Xrproto. To see it, check here Basically, I am looking to make a few bucks for a trip I am taking soon this summer to Spain. My price is about $30 per landing...