Search results

  1. Sticks79

    Smartphone encrytption/security for safely logging into adwords/YSM/paypal etc etc

    Just ordered the HTC touchpro2, anyway what do you guys use to secure your shit when you log into important sites as title suggests and not get sniffed? Searched the forum didn't find much, couple of apps from a google search, just want to hear what youse are using.
  2. Sticks79

    Apple are trying to blow up the French, Is your iphone about to explode too?

    I lol'd French guard hurt by 'exploding iPhone' - Yahoo!7 News Man, if it happened to me, I'd be suing like a mutha fucka.
  3. Sticks79

    Facebook being sued? if the plaintiffs win, say hello to higher CPC's

    Five users sue Facebook for being too social a network - Yahoo!7 News I betya if they win FB raise your CPC's, lolz.
  4. Sticks79

    The Federal Reserve Bank is about to get knocked on it's ASS maybe there is hope.

    Go Ron Paul & his boys! Ron Paul is putting forward a bill to have the Fed Reserve audited, trust me you WANT to watch this: (not conspiracy crap, RAW HARD TRUTH) YouTube - The Fed Under Fire
  5. Sticks79

    Keyboard Cat Downloads Child Porn, Owner Goes to Jail Because Of It.

    Man blames cat for child porn downloads - Yahoo!7 News Now I know it's a WickedFire member, but who? only a WickedFire member would blame poor ol' Keyboard cat!
  6. Sticks79

    Vanessa Hudgens new nudes.

    Found a couple, apparently there be lots moar, start searching. Someone wants out of a disney contract.
  7. Sticks79

    Aussie affiliates, want some motivation...

    Check this shit out: Search Results for HOPE ISLAND, Queensland - Real Estate for Sale - Hope Island, Gold Coast, QLD Real Estate For Sale @ For those of you in the USA and other countries, Hope Island/Sanctuary Cove, Gold Coast is the Beverly Hills of Australia.
  8. Sticks79

    Anyone here visit rxaffiliateforum, Is it timing out all the time for you?

    Particularly Australian users, I've got a feeling my asshole isp is blocking out this particular forum, anyone else experiencing timeouts? I get about 5 - 10 minutes then it fucking times out. And I may aswell ask while I'm at it, does anyone here promote, do they payout ok and on time?
  9. Sticks79

    Any Aussies here promote pharmaceuticals? got any legal advice for me?

    I currently only promote herbals, now I want to get into pharma, I'll be targeting Australian traffic first, any other Aussies here promote this shit or anyone for that matter, got any advice to not end up in teh jailz with bubba. I'll only be promoting non-controlled, but still.... Any and...
  10. Sticks79

    Shit I almost became a vegetarian... (thats's ALMOST)

    Damn I love my meat and I aint giving it up, but this is pretty fucked up nonetheless. (I'm talking about the cruelty parts of the vid) There is also a marketing lesson here aswell coz the video is very well done. (no pun intended, lol) The Video That the Meat Industry Doesn't Want...
  11. Sticks79

    ePassporte, Personal or business acount for excepting large sums of affiliate monies?

    EDIT TITLE: Accepting not Excepting, Sticks you dumb fuck. Just joined an affiliate program that pays via ePassporte (not paypal or wires) and I'll be driving large volume to them, so is their any restrictions on a personal account for being paid and withdrawing lotsa monies? I've read thru...
  12. Sticks79

    Listen Up Bitches I got Sumthin' Ta' Say!

    Now that you're in here take five minutes out and save some Dolphins... No, a lot of Dolphins. This shit is fucking disgusting what they are doing over in Japan (most of the Japanese people don't even realise this shit is going on) all you gotta do is sign a petition, if you don't I will come...
  13. Sticks79

    Extenze Prank Phone Call...

    YouTube - ExtenZe Prank Phone Call I lol'd.
  14. Sticks79

    Documentary: Why We Fight, Exposes The American Govs/Those in Powers Bullshit BIGTIME

    This shit will open your eyes, much of it most of you already understand but seeing bush caught out blatantly lying about this "war" is worth watching it alone. No cliff notes, coz cliff notes aren't good enough, set yourself some time and watch it...
  15. Sticks79

    Are you into tactical knives ,weaponry, swords, hunting etc? better buy your shit NOW

    Looks like the good ol American FUCKING government is going to save the sheeples from demz big bad weapons eh! American Knife & Tool Institute (AKTI) Keeping Knives in American Lives YouTube - Help Us Defend Your Knife Rights So, if you love your weaponry or plan on buying that knife or sword...
  16. Sticks79

    Beware: Chris Desouza Very Dangerous Business man!

    Just a quick heads up guys, a friend of mine has been threatened by this domain name selling guy by the name of Chris Desouza who owns (which looks quite "scammy" to me) if you guys ever come across this Chris Desouza guy I suggest you just don't do any business...
  17. Sticks79

    Madonna: cucumber stuck in vagina!

    Oh sorry, got carried away.
  18. Sticks79

    Is it just me or does YSM have that many search partners that my CTR is shit?

    Time has come for me to start using YSM, before I say anything yes I am aware I need to constantly block shit domains which is what I'm doing as my analytics tells me and also setting my shit to standard match. Anyway I basically copied my campaigns from adwords and also wrote some totally new...
  19. Sticks79

    Thinking of buying a Dell XPS M1730

    Anyone have one? reviews seem pretty good, well the good reviews outweigh the bad anyway, I bought a Toshiba Satellite p300 for 2 grand and the colour resolution/display is weak as piss, so I sold it to my mum for half what I paid. So anyway if not the xps m1730 what do you guys suggest? The...
  20. Sticks79

    District B13 Fucking Awesome Parkour Movie Starring It's Inventor.

    This movie kicks absolute ass, definitely gives hollywood a run for their money with the fucking crap they are bringing out. It's in French with english subtitles but that's tolerable for the action and awesome parkour sequences it has in it, 10/10 for this movie, there is a part 2 coming out...