Search results

  1. DanielLambert

    An affiliate is using my friends pictures in an ad on Plenty Off Fish

    My friend recently found out that his pictures are being used on Plenty off Fish for some date a solider ad and he wants to get them removed/sue them for money. What's the best way to go about this?
  2. DanielLambert

    Using NLP To Control a Girls Mind

    YouTube - NLP - How to Control a Girl's Mind
  3. DanielLambert

    Find out sites owned by someone using their Google Analytics ID

    Backlink checker, Adsense Sites, Clickbank Affiliate Spy and other things SEO! Go and few a sites source code and find their analytics ID and type it into this site and find all other sites they own which use the same analytics code.
  4. DanielLambert

    Misandry - Men Don't Exist

    YouTube - Misandry - Men Don't Exist!
  5. DanielLambert

    Need a WordPress Designer/Coder

    Hi, I'm looking for someone who can design and code up a good looking WordPress theme. My budget for the project is around $200. So, send me a PM with your portfolio and I'll get back to you.
  6. DanielLambert

    One Million People

    Not sure if you guys have seen this already but One Million People: Faces of a Digital Generation It's from the same guy who did the million dollar homepage. Basically you pay $3 to have your facebook picture on the page. I already counted 100 faces so that was a quick $300 for the man.
  7. DanielLambert

    How to go about pricing?

    How do you guys go about pricing? I'm thinking about starting up a service where I will build a simple wordpress website for someone which will use a theme from a site I have a subscription at and would then do some backlinking for them and wrap it all up in a nice report. I worked out that it...
  8. DanielLambert

    Can I create a new site from the database backup of site I sold?

    Hey, A while back I sold a site and the new owner never updated it and it has been offline for a few months now. I would like to create a site again in the same niche and have the database backup for the site I sold, would it be ok for me to use that backup for the new site?
  9. DanielLambert

    intitle:"" & inurl:"" returns more results then intitle:""

    intitle:"" & inurl:"" returns more results then intitle:"" Hey, If I do a search for harry potter using intitle:"harry potter" I get 3,150,000 now if I do intitle:"harry potter" & inurl:"harry potter" I get 9,040,000 How come I get more results? I thought it would should only sites...
  10. DanielLambert

    Endorsed by Bofu

  11. DanielLambert

    What RSS reader do you use and how do you organize it?

    I currently use Google Reader and organize by categories and just skim the headlines quick and star any which sound interesting so I can check them out later but I'm always willing to try out new software and organization methods.
  12. DanielLambert

    Would I rank better with or

    Obviously dog training tips is just an example but do you think it would make a big difference by having the hypen between each word or just between the first and second?
  13. DanielLambert

    Want Articles which don’t sound like crap?

    Ever brought articles before? I bet you have and I’m betting that you felt like a write idiot when that “Native English speaker” you hired for pennies sent you your article which sounded like something your two year old niece would write, heck she could probably do better. Wanna know something...
  14. DanielLambert


    Facebook Wants to Be Your One True Login Look at all the comments lol.
  15. DanielLambert

    Photoshop CS4 playing up

    For some reason CS4 keeps playing up, for example it has randomly made my default colour choice grayscale and sometimes I have to restart to actually use any of the tools. Anyone else had this?
  16. DanielLambert

    What Torrent sites do you use?

    I normally use TPB but the damn search is always overloaded.
  17. DanielLambert

    Some CSS Help Please

    Hey, I'm practising my HTML and CSS by developing a simple squeeze page however I am having a little problem :( My site is Grow Your Business With Great Sales Copy! and I want the enter your email form to appear on the right hand side however if I float it it just messes up, any ideas?
  18. DanielLambert

    Photoshop Tutorials

    Hey, I can do the basics in PS such as cropping, selections etc however I want to be able to actually do something such as create a layout, icons etc so I'm looking for some tutorials however many don't go into much detail about the tools they use so really I'm looking for some n00b PS tuts...
  19. DanielLambert

    AIDS Life Cycle 9 Fundraising

    Helping a guy from another forum I visit raise money so heres his post at the other forum Forums - View Single Post - AIDS Life Cycle 9 Fundraising Continues! MISC, Your help is needed! A good cause, so heres hoping you guys donate.
  20. DanielLambert

    Next add a pinch of salt and freshly grounded black people

    to make the best pasta dish ever! Accidentally Cannibalistic Cookbook Suggests Using “Freshly Ground Black People,” Not “Black Pepper” | VF Daily | Vanity Fair