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    blog content writer wanted

    im looking for someone to write content for my blog. I have dealt with a few guys in the past that have not produced quality content. If you are interested visit my website We Make Things Green | HHO Tek™ familiarize yourself with my website and write a sample that is relevant and email that...

    Video Submissions

    I have heard of a service that submits many videos to youtube and other sites like that. Looking for someone to provide this type of service

    The site is done!!

    You guys crucified me for a few months for my site well it is done now. What do you think? HHO Tek™ We make things green Ross and his guys at tribe 9 did a great job IMO

    cheap or free affiliate manager

    looking a for a program like jrox i cant get it to work anymore for some reason so looking for another similiar program any suggestions?

    jrox issues

    anyone know where i can download the zend version i just tried the ioncube version and my server wont support it. If you know of another manager that is good im open to that i just wanna get this done tonight while i have a few mins thanks

    animated video i made...kinda cool

    Episode What is HHO

    RSS feed

    trying to get a rss feed setup for my blog but most of the online info is somewhat difficult to using wordpress and my blog url is HHOTEK and when i click the rss feed in the top right it brings up a menu to subscribe. From what i have read it seems that my xml must be readable by...

    Wordpress Blog

    after some reading on here quite a few of you mention wordpress quite often so i looked into it and installed it on my server and i now have a blog i have never set a blog up before but here it is what do you guys think HHOTEK FYI i have gotten a guy from here to rebuild my entire site 3-5...

    what comedian

    years ago i saw a comedian on comedy central and the only thing i remember of the stand up was he said something along the lines of (he was japanese i think)...japan dropped 40,000 bombs on pearl harbor.....the US dropped 2 bombs (referring to nuclear) it was quite funny and i have not been...
  10. HHOTEK

    bounce rate

    i just started using google analytics and was wondering if a 40-45% bounce rate is terrible or average? also the following stats good average or what? average time on site 8.18 good ? new visits 70%
  11. HHOTEK

    my first purpose built landing page

    my main page has always been very informational and after some weeks on here i have learned that a landing page is probably the best thing to do so i have created a very simple landing that should suck someone in??? Does it? suggestions anyone. More pictures? more bold should i throw in there...
  12. HHOTEK

    COD 5 PS3

    who plays i just got it and pretty new to it ive played warhawk a good bit but like COD better.
  13. HHOTEK

    Need Help with tracking affiliates

    i have made a few posts regarding this problem with no luck. how can you track sales for an affiliate program if you dont use buy it now buttons on the website? most of my sales are made after a few phone calls and emails and then an invoice is sent for payment. so how can i setup a program...
  14. HHOTEK

    typical affiliate softwares dont work......

    with the way my business works and most purchases are made after phone calls and many emails and most are paid for by invoice not with buy it now buttons it makes using the typical affiliate software impractical. as of now my affiliates use discount codes which is not a surefire way of doing it...
  15. HHOTEK

    funny motivational posters

    some of them are pretty dub btu i just found this one and thought it was pretty cool Mindfuck Photos - Iranian Fighter Jet and this one
  16. HHOTEK

    bmw m3 build PDF

    heres some pics for you car guys to check out Here is the build up of our BMW M3 about to finish it up tmrw if we get some time and here is the buildup of the acura both engines are being rebuilt right now but the...
  17. HHOTEK

    new trick i just discovered

    im sure alot of you know this btu i didnt if you click a link with the scroll button on your mouse it automatically opens in new window no more hitting ctrl t and dragging.
  18. HHOTEK

    40% of Citigroup Govt Owned!

    has anyone seen this yet? Government to increase ownership of Citigroup - Los Angeles Times
  19. HHOTEK

    website better??

    you guys have hated on my website from day 1 and i have commissioned a guy to build one for me and that is taking some time because i dont know what i want exactly. but inthe mean time i heeded some of your advice and heres what it is now what do ya think? HHOTEK On-demand Hydrogen Kits
  20. HHOTEK

    pdf to word doc???

    anyone know how to do it?