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  1. D

    Any Reason Not to Get an Macbook?

    I've only ever used PCs and as a affiliate marketer I am constantly trying different apps that are readily available for the PC. Im wondering if I will be hampered in any way if I go get a macbook air? I know I can run windows on a mac but I've heard its not that simple and it doesn't always...
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    I love how Maxbounty Paid me Today!

    Ahead of the 3 day weekend like a regular job would! Just wanted to say Thanks!
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    PPC Arbi: Best CTR with 1 Ad Block?

    So, in my first arbi attempt, I am using only one adblock, because I figure that's the best way to max revenue, figuring that those that are predisposed to click are going to click anyway, why give them cheap alternatives? And hopefully the slightly reduced ctr will be offset by higher epcs...
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    IE blocking my adsense ads?

    So I have some adsense ads on my first arbi site. I noticed when i loaded the page in IE, it blocked active X content and they did not appear. Anyway around that? Thanks
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    Azoogle or others report too many clicks?

    You guys ever notice that azoogle or whatever affiliate program you use report way too many clicks than what msn, yahoo or google says? Which I guess doesn't really matter if you don't end up paying for them. One time I got reports of tons of clicks and a sale from a offer I never...
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    Feeling stuck with my PPC Experiment

    So the experts say you gotta find something that works and then exploit it. So I find an offer that converts at a decent rate, but only for this one keyword and variations of the keyword. This one keyword does not give me that much traffic on MSN, maybe 3 converts a day. So I try to run it...