Search results

  1. LazyD

    Google Desktop Gadgets?

    I have personally never used Google Desktop or any of there gadgets. A friend of mine said that it has a tendency to be a huge memory hog and that he had to turn it off. It seems like the perfect solution for me being on Windows XP and wanting easy access to Google Docs, Weather and other odds...
  2. LazyD

    Where oh where have the education offers gone?

    It used to be that every network had the likes of University of Pheonix, Kaplan University, etc. I cant seem to locate them on A4D, Neverblue, CJ or CPA Empire. Are these offers gone for good? Is there any network that has ANNNNY of these offers still left? Are there any decent alternatives...
  3. LazyD

    Hiring writer to help with copy for web dev comapny

    As the title says, I am looking to hire a writer to help me write homepage copy and interior page copy for my web development company website. I am a programmer by nature and as such, writing doesnt come all that well to me. I know what I would like to convey, just not the best way to do it. I...
  4. LazyD

    Organizing Your Desktop?

    Anyone got any tips for organizing your desktop? I run Windows XP - I constantly find myself searching for applications and or files and generally dealing with the mayhem of having my desktop being packed with icons/files. Besides general due diligence in moving/deleting things, what...
  5. LazyD

    Web Development Apps

    Not sure why, but I have decided to try and compile a list of commonly (and uncommonly) used applications to aid web developers. Hopefully it will benefit all developers with applications you may have never seen nor known existed - Anyone is welcome to post there favorites, ill start with a...
  6. LazyD

    Emailing a List

    This kind of fits between Affiliate Marketing and the Mailing section but since its not uber high volume, I figured this would be the best place... I have been building a list of subscribers to be notified when a new hot product goes on sale. Ive gotten more signups then I expect which is a...
  7. LazyD

    Pulling Files off a Failing/Failed HDD

    My Dell laptop is less then a year old. I was on my laptop for the first part of yesterday, during the second half of the day I went out for dinner, etc. When I came back, my laptop had a BSOD on it and froze. I restarted, only to get a nice 'Invalid partition table', I tried frantically...
  8. LazyD

    Business Partner Questions....

    Currently I work at a 9-5 doing web app development/web design. A couple co workers and I have talked about breaking off of the current company and starting our own web dev company. As it stands, I would be the programmer/developer, one of the other 2 guys is a graphics/flash guy with some...
  9. LazyD

    Reccomend me some music like...

    So, im not sure if this will turn out to be helpful or a complete waste of time but how bout this.... I know some people, including myself may have found an artist or a few songs they like for a certain genre and would like to find more music similar to it but dont know a whole lot about the...
  10. LazyD

    What is wrong with this fucking world...

    My bosses' brother in law just died last week. As a preface, he was mid to late 30s and was gay. He was the first male/male couple to be married in Sonoma County (Wine Country area, California) only a few weeks ago. He died mid week, his partner came home in the evening to find him on the...
  11. LazyD

    mod_rewrite Help!

    Im working on a site thats using CakePHP which requires the use of mod_rewrite rules, the only trick with it this time is that they want the current site to still be active to the public until such time they ddem the site ready to go. There is an index.html site that does a meta refresh to the...
  12. LazyD

    YouTube Search Redirects to Dell Advertisement?

    So all of the sudden im getting this really fucked up issue... When I go to YouTube and enter a search term, hit Submit, I get the YouTube results for a half second then the page blanks out except for a 250x250 Dell advertisement. The wierd part is, the URL is still on YouTube and the page...
  13. LazyD

    Offline Marketing for Ringtones - Possible Good Idea?

    So, I had an idea fly through my mind at 2am while laying in bed thinking about how much of a failure I am at affiliate marketing... Anyway, ive never considered myself much a marketing guru in terms of creative ideas but I thought this had the possibility to be something that was worth while -...
  14. LazyD

    Putting Backlink into Wordpress Plugin?

    So, I just finished up writing a plugin for Wordpress and im getting ready to release/post it to the public. Is it acceptable to have the plugin add a footer link back to my site? Should I give them the option of disabling said link? Any general opinions on the matter?
  15. LazyD

    Blue from American Express?

    So, I get these pre-approval offers in the mail all the time and Blue from American Express looks worth while. The offer is: 0% Interest on Balance Transfers for 12 months 0% Interest on Purchases for 12 months 8.24% on Purchases/Balance Transfers after 12 months Ive never had an Amex card...
  16. LazyD

    Newsletter Confirmation Marked as Spam

    I have a newsletter signup setup on one of my sites and its a double opt-in so they have to click a link to confirm there signup. However, it seems that they get marked as spam quiet a bit. Anyone have any general tips for not having a confirmation email marked as spam?
  17. LazyD

    New to VPS - A Few Questions?

    Hey all, I recently got a VPS from KnownHost and opted to pay the extra $6 a month for cPanel/WHM since im not 100% comfortable doing everything that I may need to do from the shell. A few questions I have in terms of setup/everyday use... Since account creation is being handled by WHM a new...
  18. LazyD

    PHP T1lib Support

    Anyone have any experience installing/setting up T1lib for PHP on a linux box? My boss cant seem to get it setup, he added the library and added '--with-t1lib=/usr' to the PHP configure command. However, the T1lib functions still dont work - The only difference I can see across this box to my...
  19. LazyD

    Project Time Tracking?

    How do you guys manage tracking hours over multiple projects? On a daily basis I deal with at least 2 - 3 different projects that constantly flip flop (I dont get 3 straight hours on this project and 2 hours on this project.. Its like 45 minutes here, 20 there, etc.) I have to track my time...
  20. LazyD

    Lakota Indians Withdraw Treaties and Form Country

    Lakota Indians have withdrawn 150 year old treaties with the United States and have started to form there own country. They cite numerous and continuing violations of treaties and gave the US government a big fuck you. - Lakota Indians Withdraw Treaties Signed With U.S. 150 Years...