Search results

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    Major local google update tonight

    So tonight Google decided to throw everyone a local curve ball. Some local packs are gone. Some cities only have 3 packs. Some still have 7 packs (rolling out issue?). Local packs now have a 'People talk about:' section underneath and it looks like reviews are indexed and contribute to...
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    Have you made your bed today?

    Taking a little reprieve from the McGrunin saga... Great speech by McRaven even though he is a UT alumn: McRaven Commencement Speech At UT - Business Insider University of Texas at Austin 2014 Commencement Address - Admiral William H. McRaven - YouTube
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    Silicon Valley Season 1

    HBO just put the first episode of this new show online. A lot of genius in there. If they can keep it up, can be the next type of 'Big Bang Theory type show'. Silicon Valley Season 1: Episode 1 Full Episode (TVMA) (HBO) - YouTube
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    Jesse Willms, the Dark Lord of the Internet

    Thought this article might be of interest to some of you. Pretty dang long and they quote a guy by the name of Pace Lattin which puts some of it in question however, worth a read: Jesse Willms, the Dark Lord of the Internet - Taylor Clark - The Atlantic
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    Anybody try Tricider before?

    Just found this on German TV and it looks like a interesting site: If they get any type of traction to their public space this could be fun. However, it reminds me of another site, can't put my finger on it though. Thoughts?
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    The ultimate mindf**k! You survived the Apocalypse - now what?!

    Derren Brown created an illusion for a guy that the end of the world really happened. Watch here: P1 Derren Brown: Apocalypse Episode One - YouTube (For some reason it's not embedding for me) From the Mirror: It had the premise of a Saw film - chilling, thrilling and at times, truly...
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    Cold Calls from the Better Business Bureau - Interesting article

    Today I received a call from the Better Business Bureau about my company having received positive feedback!!! Because of this they want to make a special membership available to me. Since this is a relatively new business name I was surprised, excited until I realized that the guy on the other...
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    The best websites for learning...

    Wondering what sites you use to continue your own education on any subject? I truly believe that if you have access to the Internet today, you will be able to learn 'anything' on 'any' topic for little to no cost. However, what are the best or rather most comprehensive sites out there...
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    Some of you might have heard of him already but he left a bankstatement with an inspirational message in a cafe. Read about it here: $13M Bank Statement left in Cafe with message He created a Facebook page where he does a interesting Q&A: One of the...
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    Millionaire Fastlane - epic post

    Was hesitant posting it here since the guy is celebrating another forum. However, this is one of the better posts I have seen on the subject of making money. I'll just post wade1mil notes here and keep in mind he is talking about the Millionaire Fastlane forum but all of those lessons apply...
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    Google unveils search overhaul

    Google Revamps Search With Massive 'Real World Map of Things' | Epicenter | Google unveils search overhaul Google has grown a brain, and users in the U.S. will soon begin to see new search results starting Wednesday, where Google will display a widget of information about a topic...
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    Show of your Google-Fu!

    All of us use search engines like google, bing, etc. every day. However, what are some of the most efficient or creative ways of using them? Everyone knows that to do a exact search you put something in quotes: "Gay webmasters" but what about, when you are looking for only a specific file...
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    What do YOU want to do before you die?

    Just saw this online and the article is to good NOT to post. I think a lot of folks here will love it! Playing B-Ball with Obama: 6 Steps to Crossing Anything Off Your Bucket List What are you dreaming about?
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    We had a bit of weather here in Texas

    For some reason pics aren't showing up...
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    Japan says 'Thank You'...

    In this callous world this is an amazing video. Have some tissues handy... Arigato from Japan Earthquake Victims - YouTube
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    Bookmapped - mindmapping books is a site were someone came up with mindmaps for books they read. In addition he has a little primer about the book. This would 100% be something worthwhile doing for someone like WiredNiko who always has fantastic notes on the book he reads. It's just amazing how much...
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    Senator Rand Paul detained by TSA

    Went through the body scanner and it glitched. He offered to walk through again and they said NO. They want a full pat down of him. He is refusing so they detained him. Rand Paul in Pat-Down Standoff With TSA in Nashville - ABC News
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    Email/website list of investigative reporters? reporters?

    Does anyone have a list of all the investigative reporters in the U.S.? How about just a major list of reporters? I do remember seeing a list with all of that information at one point but can not find it anymore. My google fu is weak today. Thoughts?
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    The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret

    Found this comedy by accident. Absolutely brilliant! HILARIOUS! Trailer - The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret on IFC - YouTube
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    A legend has passed...

    Today Werner Otto one of the richest men in the world died. Penniless in 1949 at the age of 40, he build a business empire from scratch, starting with a mail order business that began with a hand made 14 page catalog. Pillar of Germany's Economic Miracle: Founder of Otto Mail Order Chain Dies...