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  1. wiredniko

    PPC Stumbling Blocks

    I will get straight to the point. 1. When creating a PPC campaign and the recommended max bids are too high to make 100% ROI, do you drop the keywords or just under bid on them? 2. Its seems that most PPC sources recommend that I start with board keyword matching, that seems like a mistake...
  2. wiredniko

    Legal Questions - Images and Privacy Policies

    I am working on my landing pages and I have two questions: 1. Can I use images that the company I am selling products for is using? If not what's a good cheap/free place to get images from? 2. Can I use the privacy policy and other legal documents that the company I am selling products for is...
  3. wiredniko

    Wiredniko's Journal - Adventures of the Newbie

    I am just going to use this post as a way to write down my adventures when it comes to launching my first PPC campaign ever. Just to catch up everyone with my current state of affairs. I got accepted as an affiliate in A4D, my AM is Mike. He is a cool guy, talked to him a couple of times to...
  4. wiredniko

    Chicken or the Egg - Frustrations of a Newbie

    I made a pretty big mistake. I read too much about affiliate now I have too much theoretical knowledge and no practical knowledge. I am stuck thinking about stupid shit. So please help a newbie. This is PPC based, if it makes a difference. 1. Do I go after an affiliate promo...