Search results

  1. wiredniko

    Dropbox Forced Arbitration to Terms Of Service

    For any dropbox users out there. Lifehacker Article They have a link you can go to opt-out. ...hope that helps.
  2. wiredniko

    How Do You Accomplish Your Goals

    2014 is approaching so I naturally tend to think about my life, what I have accomplished and what I want to accomplish in the future. Since there are a lot of like minded individuals here I wanted to ask. 1. How many goals do you setup? 2. How often do you review/look at them? 3. How often do...
  3. wiredniko

    I Need Some Advice

    It's funny how everyone around me does not understand that weird drive...or maybe it's a need to make money. To break away from the mold and command my own destiny. This is the reason why I had to post this here. At least people here understand what most of us trying to...
  4. wiredniko

    The Internal Black Void

    Being an entrepreneur is such a life altering change. I am letting go off a failed project and looking to start a new one and I find myself utterly horrified. The best way I can describe that feeling is...its like being suspended in a black void, there are no attachments, you just are a body...
  5. wiredniko

    When Do You Drop A Site?

    I always think big, which is both good and bad. I have created a pretty pimp site that I have been able to grow extremely fast. The problem is its a news based site. Which means I have to stay as current as possible. Having a full time job that frequently takes 9-10 hours of my time makes it...
  6. wiredniko

    Book Notes: Getting Real by 37signals

    I thought barman posted a link to this book 3 days ago...I did a forum search and google search but I can't find the original my book notes have to be posted solo. Note: I have heard of 37 signals before but reading this book is a must for any web developer. I am no pro in the...
  7. wiredniko

    A Way to Check For Site Updates with No RSS?

    So for my main project currently I need a quick way of looking at multiple websites for any updates so I can be kept in the loop. The problem is some sites do not have RSS feeds. Or they have super busy RSS feeds, like 200 updates a week when only 10 of those updates are relative to the niche I...
  8. wiredniko

    Book Notes: Mastery - The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment by George Leonard

    For one of my threads multiple recommended the book Mastery. Since I am a geek I tend to take book notes on all educational books I read. Here they are: Intro - The master's journey can begin whenever you decide to learn any new skill - Learning any new skill involve relatively brief spurts...
  9. wiredniko

    One Niche Per Site?

    I want to build an empire not just a micro-niche MFA. What makes the most sense, have one giant site tackling multiple niches (think article farms without the suck) or multiple big sites each dedicated to a niche? (think sites like
  10. wiredniko

    Email Marketing Strategy

    I am creating an email list with autoresponder emails. For selling my product do I pre-sell on the email and then send them to a place to directly buy or do I talk a little bit about it, not saying its a sale and then sell it to them on the page I take them to? To put it simply do I: 1...
  11. wiredniko

    Seattle / San Diego / LA / NY / Washington DC / Tampa / Miami

    I am thinking about moving cause Ohio sucks my dick. It sucks even worse because I used to live in San Diego. Has anyone had any experience with Seattle, LA, NY, Washinton DC, Tampa or Miami? Do you like it or hate it? Pros and cons? I am already doing research online and my plan is to...
  12. wiredniko

    Recommend me good wealth building books

    I am not looking on books that tell me how to save money, but looking for something along the lines of what to do once I have money to make even more. I am mystified by the process, do I buy real estate, stocks, bonds, mutual funds? It seems the worst thing I can do is leave money in the bank.
  13. wiredniko

    CTRs to aim for?

    I keep trying different advertising platforms and keep hitting the same kind of brick wall. What CTR should I aim for? Yes I realize, keep testing keep increasing CTR, but right now I am too newb to know if a CTR is even acceptable. So what kind of CTRs do you aim for with your initial...
  14. wiredniko

    The Time Management Thread

    For the longest time I tried to get organized and I felt that I was pretty good with time management until I read "Getting Things Done" and it radically changed my world. After that I read "Eat That Frog", I have been in the process of implementing the main idea, do the biggest/most important...
  15. wiredniko

    Google Buzz Lawsuit

    Just got this in my gmal account.
  16. wiredniko

    ...I am fat - Please Help

    I am fat. I am tired of being fat but I am confused as hell of what I am supposed to do. I have been chubby since 5th grade....fat fat probably 3 years. I am so used to being overweight I actually do now remember how it feels to be skinny. The thing is I consider myself intelligent enough to...
  17. wiredniko

    Testing Campaigns - Stats that Matter

    I keep working on new campaigns and I keep failing. I believe one of my problems is that I am looking at the wrong stats. So when you are working on a campaign and trying to optimize it what do you pay attention to? My last campaign was in PoF so I was focusing on my CTR, since in essence it...
  18. wiredniko

    Tabs and Buttons Updating without Page Reload

    This is the first time I am stumped when it comes to coding stuff. How do I create a page where a user clicks on a button, tab, link whatever and only that thing updates... For example, go to and click on any product. There are three tabs overview, details and feedback how does...
  19. wiredniko

    Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy (Book Notes)

    I have started taking notes on really important books lately so I can easily go back and reference certain ideas or as a nice and quick refresher. "Eat That Frog" is one of those books that once you pick up you will not want to put it down. I truly believe that reading this book and Getting...
  20. wiredniko

    Help me Analyze my Stats

    You might or might not have read my diary type thread in the newbie forum, in any case I am stuck. My lack of experience is getting in my way. I can either cry about it or try to analyze what's wrong. Any thoughts are appreciated. I am using PPC through MSN, so its Ad -> LP -> Offer MSN...