Search results

  1. sebastya

    Textbroker clone

    Has anyone made or know where to grab a clone from? I can't seem to find one or any like it anywhere...
  2. sebastya

    URL extractors?

    Does anyone know of any decent URL extractors? I have found an online version that's really good but it has a limit (Email Extractor & URL Extractor)
  3. sebastya

    Insightful Data about Your Website/Competitors+Search Engines for Sale

    I have a tool that gives me data about any website, including: - Demographics (Gender, Age, Household Income) - Sites visited before that website - Sites visited after that website - Exact visitors - Keywords referring traffic To prove it, I did some discovery for Digital Point Forums...
  4. sebastya

    Attention: Article Writers

    I've got $100 to spend, how many 500 word articles can you give me with that? Needs to be unique of course. Let me know and what your turn around would be also. Thanks.
  5. sebastya

    paying for fonts

    i would like to have <Myriad Pro-Semibold Semi Cn> among other fonts, but you need to pay for it..are there any sites where you can get these paid fonts for free?
  6. sebastya

    sitestomp any good?

    i'm considering purchasing a review style LP from Custom Built Landing Pages for $45 | Site Stomp Media - anyone had any exp with them before?
  7. sebastya

    Tshirts & eCommerce

    Thinking about selling Tshirts...should I use something like CafePress or my own eCommerce shop?
  8. sebastya

    The powerful leverage in a mentoring relationship

    "A single conversation across the table with a wise man is worth a month's study of books." -Chinese Proverb Very few people achieve great success without personal mentors. Here is why we need mentors: A mentor can give us perspective Often we are too close to see things objectively. We are...
  9. sebastya

    Sharing is having more

    Giving is the highest form of manifestation of one's true nature. Tithing 10% of all your income to charities/churches in your community multiplies prosperity a thousandfold. One of the world's greatest investors, Sir John Marks Templeton, founder of Templeton Fund, said "Tithing always gives...
  10. sebastya

    The size of the Question...

    by Mark Victor Hansen The size of the Question determines the size of the Result If you ask yourself "how can i make a million dollars?" your mind goes to work to discover the answer. Note that most people ask questions like "how do i get a job, salary or work?" or "can i earn 50K doing...
  11. sebastya

    domain for sale: for sale if you're not a dp member just post your bid here and ill post it on your behalf on the thread, thx.
  12. sebastya

    *Anyone here use Oxado?

    Oxado i'm thinking about trying them out, anyone here use them?
  13. sebastya

    build keywords the freakin smart way

    very useful, incase you haven't stumbled upon something like this already, here it is: Keyword Linker
  14. sebastya

    PR2 Blockbuster Page For Sale

    Blockbuster Movie Online Rentals - Blockbuster Online! this is meant for the COPEAC offer...$40 per lead I don't have any spare cash to burn on PPC so I'm sure someone whoever does will make some decent $$$ from this page Anyone want it? Throw up some offers!
  15. sebastya

    bittorrent niche

    yo guys is there any way to make some decent cash in the bittorrent niche (other than cpc) ?? thankss
  16. sebastya

    live SE

    Jyve - Know Now! It took about 5 minutes but someone actually replied...pretty kool!
  17. sebastya

    anime niche

    anyone here know affiliates for the "anime" niche? don't tell me amazon thanks
  18. sebastya

    Chopper Review

    8 out of 10 I just watched it last night. Damn good if you ask me. I doubt you can find it in a blockbuster out of Australia but it's worth the download if you can get a hold of it.
  19. sebastya

    clickbank clone

    My Cash Junction how kool ay?