Search results

  1. SleepyStarling

    NameCheap Price increase on Oct. 14th

    Just giving everyone a heads up. We have to pay almost $10 per domain now (unless buying in bulk, and even then the price goes up from before). If this has been posted and I missed it, feel free to delete. :repuke:
  2. SleepyStarling

    Company suing my murdered great-grandfather. Anyone know a good pro-bono lawyer?

    No, I'm not joking. I only found out about it because I was Googling his name. They never sent anyone in our family a summons, even though they are suing: NAME, aka NAME WITH MIDDLE ABBREVIATED, deceased; the testate and intestate successors of NAME, deceased, and all persons claiming by...
  3. SleepyStarling

    Code / plugin to block traffic from a specific website or page?

    Is there a line of code or a plugin for Wordpress that will allow me to block all traffic coming from a specific website? WP-Ban allows me to ban by IP, but that would only ban the owner, not all of the referral traffic. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  4. SleepyStarling

    SeoDave's post mimicked on Blogspot blog

    Starters guide to make money with copeac easily Unless SeoDave made this blog, I think someone is scraping content from WF and reposting it (again?). If this is authorized, Dave, I apologize for posting it. They removed the user's information from the webpage, which is stupid because you can...
  5. SleepyStarling

    Custom content

    Hey guys! Yes, another content/copy writer. You can never have too many. ;) So I need cash for bills and Pennsic. You can never have too much cash, either. 'Professional' rates are normally a lot higher than most of the rates I've seen here (most of the writer's guilds require work paid at...
  6. SleepyStarling

    How to make a db to search for collectibles?

    I'm trying to make a user-searchable db. I've tried to study the database for the city/state/zipcode thing and I'm confused as hell. My server has PHP and MySQL, but I can't even fucking get Apache installed on WinXP to get PHP and MySQL installed to learn them from tutorials. Many of my ideas...