Search results

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    cheap PC advice

    hey all, I have been thinking about getting a pc to run the automations for my marketings. I've been a mac user for the last 10 years and feel like rainman a thousand miles away from a casino when I get around a pc. needless to say i'm pretty out of the loop. what would be a good cheap pc...
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    wtb: I need a header designed.

    hi, I need a new header designed for my site that corresponds a bit with the offer page but looks way nicer than what I have now. please pm me if you can do this semi quickly and your rate for the job. would require a tiny bit of cutting out of the offer page but other than that I think it...
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    Question about possible shaving

    I wanted to check with all you smarter people on a sale shaving question. I'm running an offer that allows paypal payment. I recently split test and optimized my lp to get my numbers so that 70% of people that hit the offer go to the order page which i'm pretty psyched about. heres where the...
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    WTB: Comparison Site Designer.

    Hi designers! I'm looking for someone who can design good looking comparison sites for various niches, usually health related. WP or HTML, as long as it looks good I am happy. Please PM rates and samples if interested. Thank you!
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    getting the conversion

    well, i'm still pretty new to all of this and just wanted to ask if anyone had any similar experience or advice on a sales page question. I've been running a advertorial for the last month or so that has been doing ok, not making much money but not losing money which is good for me. I noticed...
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    post google bitchslap advice

    Whatsup all, so I just got slapped up by google, obviously. Just wanted to get some advice on traffic sources. I know there are lots of these posts but its like a mexican standoff up in there. Was running landing pages with cpa diet offers. Got slapped as soon as i put a colon cleanse up...
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    Lander to Order Page?

    Does anyone ever go directly from their lander to the products order page bypassing the product lander? Or is this frowned upon by networks and/or not work in general?
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    order page numbers question

    Hey all, just had a quick question. In your campaigns do you often have a good amount of people cancel out at the end of the order page? This is my first campaign trying diet products so I'm not sure if this is normal or not. I'll wake and check my stats and there will be like 25 people that...