Search results

  1. ttime

    Just got violated by Photon VPS

    I have a win server on automatic payment all the sudden i find server unresponsive, call up support for a reboot, they tell me that the thing has been terminated - WTF? All data gone and they tell me that the billing system issued an invoice for an incorrect amount! anyone have similar issues...
  2. ttime

    new wordpress 3 sql injection

    just saw a new one on the radar - seems to be for BofA shit - installis self in a directory ~michaelk. I am trying to dissect it a bit and see what it is all about.
  3. ttime

    Repo yo Domainz

    Senate panel approves domain name seizure bill
  4. ttime

    Google giving out 8.5MM

    Cash in fuckers.. Google Buzz User Privacy Litigation Class Action Settlement Website not really but just figured i post it
  5. ttime

    Windows Hosting

    I am looking for a two cheapo win. hosting servers (VPS...) with Remote Desktop Access - don't care about bandwidth as it is just for testing out some .net apps. Both servers have the following min. requirements: * NT server XP 5.1 (windows server 2005 and up) * IIS 5 *Remote...
  6. ttime

    BadAss Laptop

    YouTube - Future Designer laptop - ROLLTOP //Diploma Thesis//
  7. ttime

    800 number

    Anyone have any suggestions for an 800 number? Got some ads running and want to track the phone leads,,, I will reward with a google wave invite
  8. ttime

    WF is being invaded

    WF is being invaded by Africans (i think): I have identified the penetrates: Yep and his buddy and the mastermind behind the...
  9. ttime

    CRM and lead management

    So I have been trying to figure out a simple way to do a simple lead management, basically email lead comes in (it gets into the system), and if it closes i want the sales dude to say so in there. and put in a few farts of information.... I tried to do it with wordpress but cant seem to get...
  10. ttime

    % of time you waste

    It seems that 70% of my workday is spent well... fucking around am I alone?
  11. ttime

    Expression Web 3 Vs DreamWeaver CS4 ?

    What would you say would be the better editor? I know (and tested) that MS expression web 2 created code that was more SEO friendly, and was compatible with all of dreamweaver templates. However adobie is ultimately the better tool. With EW3 out, would it be superior or equivalent to...
  12. ttime

    Spam The Spammers

    I got this fucking spammer spamming the shit out of a bunch of my webpages ( Kent Cornwall ).. anyone have any good spamy spam locations where I can submit the email address to spam the shit out of the flaming spammer?
  13. ttime

    My New Bike Exhaust, What ya think

    I bet she won't fall of the bike! The vacuum of her Pussy makes her sucked hard onto her seat