Search results

  1. chief

    Physical Product Realm

    It's been awhile family. If anyone is looking to get into the physical product world, please PM me. Been working on a project for a bit and I'm looking to sell off one of my projects. It's profitable with sales in the low 5 figure range.
  2. chief

    Anyone have a resource for this?

    Does anyone have a cool resource for determining who the network is via their tracking URL? For example: -- which network is this?
  3. chief

    Contact at MediaTrust

    Does anyone have a 'responsive' contact over at MediaTrust... having payment issues and can't seem to get ahold of anyone over there. Figures, right?
  4. chief

    Don't EVER Do Business with Jumptap

    Like the title says - don't do biz with Jumptap. They are quick to get you to sign the IO and then they take literally months to get your campaign built out. Once the campaign is actually live after lots of stress they under deliver on your terms. I received less than half the traffic I was...
  5. chief


    There has to be a few Entourage fans here on WF...? Anyone recording them, and could send them my way? I've missed the beginning episodes and don't want to wait until they come out on DVD.
  6. chief

    Lead Gen Site for Sale

    I still have a financial site that is for sale (in the insurance market)... PM me for details. Please, only serious inquiries.
  7. chief

    Selling Life Insurance Website

    Over 1 year old. I have a direct relationship with the life insurance merchants which is who I sell the leads to. I've been driving traffic via search and media buys, so revenue really depends on how much work you want to put into it. PM me with any questions you may have. Thanks.
  8. chief

    Best Network for Financial Offers

    I'm curious what YOU think is the best network for financial related offers? I'm looking to get back into this uber-profitable vertical again. This includes offers like insurance (life, auto, health), mortgage, debt, refi, etc., etc. Go.
  9. chief

    Ad Blockers

    I'm curious. Are there figures out there that show how much ad blockers are blocking from online marketers (in terms of $$$)? It seems like these add-on's/plug-ins are really taking off. In fact, one of the top extensions for Chrome is Adblock. You'd think that online services that are ad...
  10. chief

    Wickedfire Travel Thread

    I was searching around here on WF and couldn't find a decent travel thread. I know quite a few affiliates who constantly travel and use AM to fund their adventures. Feel free to post your thoughts/photos/comments in this thread. My goal next year is to travel, full time. Where to go... what to...
  11. chief


    I've heard some great things and not so great things about Lead Impact. So, I recently signed up for an account and submitted things around 4 days ago for approval and still haven't had shit approved, or even declined. Does anyone have a contact over at Lead Impact? Is there a special method...
  12. chief

    Thoughts on Adbrite?

    Has anyone run anything successful on Adbrite? I'd love to get together and chat quickly. I haven't been having much success with FB lately. PM me. Thanks!
  13. chief


    Does anyone have a contact at TopAdMarket? I've seen a lot of other networks brokering offers from them, and I'd love to check 'em out to see what they have. Thanks in advance.
  14. chief

    For Sale: Basic Email Submit (Inc. Backend)

    I have a basic email submit backend that I am looking to give up. We had many direct relationships, but you can back it with you own incent offers as well. Let me know if you need more info, or if you are interested. I'm basically looking for the best price I can get. PM me.
  15. chief

    No Way! Bed Intruder Costume!

    Check it: BED INTRUDER COSTUME | Antoine Dodson Halloween Costume
  16. chief

    Reverse Mortgage Leads

    Hello, I generate reverse mortgage leads. Would anyone be interested in these leads, or does anyone know a lender that you could hook me up with? Thanks!
  17. chief

    1M Emails

    Have a solid list of around 1M emails. They aren't really attached to any particular vertical, but PM me if you're interested.
  18. chief

    Holy Shit! Whoda Thunk?

    Got ya! Check it out - it's not a dickroll either.
  19. chief


    I put something up last week, but I got no responses. I know there is someone who can sell or mail or use these leads somehow. They are fresh daily leads. I can generate thousands on a daily basis. Fields include: first name, last name, email, full address, date of birth, and phone number...
  20. chief

    Selling Leads

    Hola, I'm selling information/leads. I have an offer where the user fills out some additional info about themselves (first name, last name, full billing address, email, DOB, and phone #) if they'd like to receive additional "special offers". PM me if any is interested. Thanks!